
HOSTNAME(7) - Miscellaneous Information Manual

Unbound, Nsd, Gethostbyname, Resolv.conf, Hostname

HOSTNAME(7) - Miscellaneous Information Manual # HOSTNAME(7) - Miscellaneous Information Manual NAME # hostname - host name resolution description DESCRIPTION # Hostnames are domains, where a domain is a hierarchical, dot-separated list of subdomains; for example, the machine monet, in the Berkeley subdomain of the EDU subdomain of the Internet would be represented as monet.Berkeley.EDU (with no trailing dot). Hostnames are often used with network client and server programs, which must generally translate the name to an address for use. ...

HOSTS(5) - File Formats Manual

Getnameinfo, Inet_pton, Resolv.conf, Gethostbyname, Getaddrinfo, Ifconfig, Nsd, Unbound, Hosts

HOSTS(5) - File Formats Manual # HOSTS(5) - File Formats Manual NAME # hosts - host and network name database DESCRIPTION # The hosts file associates names and IP addresses. Each line has the following format: Internet address Host or network name Aliases Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters. A ‘#’ indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines which search the file. ...

RESOLV.CONF(5) - File Formats Manual

Unwind, Resolvd, Gethostbyname, Nsd, Unbound, Res_init, Hosts, Hostname, Resolv-Conf

RESOLV.CONF(5) - File Formats Manual # RESOLV.CONF(5) - File Formats Manual NAME # resolv.conf - resolver configuration files DESCRIPTION # The resolv.conf file specifies how the resolver routines in the C library (which provide access to the Internet Domain Name System) should operate. The resolver configuration file contains information that is read by the resolver routines the first time they are invoked by a process. If the resolv.conf file does not exist, only the local host file /etc/hosts will be consulted, i. ...

unbound(8) unbound 1.18.0 unbound(8)


unbound(8) unbound 1.18.0 unbound(8) # unbound(8) unbound 1.18.0 unbound(8) NNAAMMEE # uunnbboouunndd - Unbound DNS validating resolver 1.18.0. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # uunnbboouunndd [--hh] [--dd] [--pp] [--vv] [--cc _c_f_g_f_i_l_e] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # UUnnbboouunndd is a caching DNS resolver. It uses a built in list of authoritative nameservers for the root zone (.), the so called root hints. On receiving a DNS query it will ask the root nameservers for an answer and will in almost all cases receive a delegation to a top level domain (TLD) authoritative nameserver. ...

UNWIND(8) - System Manager's Manual

Unbound, Unwind.conf, Unwindctl, Unwind

UNWIND(8) - System Manager’s Manual # UNWIND(8) - System Manager’s Manual NAME # unwind - validating DNS resolver SYNOPSIS # unwind [-dnv] [-f file] [-s socket] DESCRIPTION # unwind is a validating DNS resolver. It is intended to run on client machines like workstations or laptops and only listens on localhost. unwind sends DNS queries to nameservers to answer queries. If it detects that DNS queries are blocked by the local network, it can switch to resolvers learned through autoconfiguration. ...