
unbound-anchor(8) unbound 1.18.0 unbound-anchor(8)


unbound-anchor(8) unbound 1.18.0 unbound-anchor(8) # unbound-anchor(8) unbound 1.18.0 unbound-anchor(8) NNAAMMEE # uunnbboouunndd--aanncchhoorr - Unbound anchor utility. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # uunnbboouunndd--aanncchhoorr [ooppttss] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # UUnnbboouunndd--aanncchhoorr performs setup or update of the root trust anchor for DNSSEC validation. The program fetches the trust anchor with the method from RFC7958 when regular RFC5011 update fails to bring it up to date. It can be run (as root) from the commandline, or run as part of startup scripts. ...