
AGGR(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Netstart, Netintro, Trunk, Ifconfig, Inet, Ip, Hostname.if, Aggr

AGGR(4) - Device Drivers Manual # AGGR(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # aggr - IEEE 802.1AX Link Aggregation network interface SYNOPSIS # pseudo-device aggr DESCRIPTION # The aggr driver implements IEEE 802.1AX (formerly 802.3ad) Link Aggregation for combining one or more Ethernet interfaces into a single logical interface. The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is used to negotiate the aggregation of member interfaces with a partner device. aggr interfaces must be configured to use one or more Ethernet interfaces as ports, and communicate with a partner device over those ports using LACP. ...

TPMR(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Netstart, Aggr, Trunk, Ifconfig, Bridge, Pf, Hostname.if, Veb, Tpmr

TPMR(4) - Device Drivers Manual # TPMR(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # tpmr - IEEE 802.1Q Two-Port MAC Relay interface SYNOPSIS # pseudo-device tpmr DESCRIPTION # The tpmr driver implements an 802.1Q (originally 802.1aj) Two-Port MAC Relay (TPMR). A TPMR is a simplified Ethernet bridge with exactly two member ports, and it unconditionally relays Ethernet packets between those ports. tpmr interfaces can be created at runtime using the ifconfig tpmr‌N create command or by setting up a hostname. ...

TRUNK(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Netstart, Ifconfig, Inet, Hostname.if, Trunk

TRUNK(4) - Device Drivers Manual # TRUNK(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # trunk - link aggregation and link failover interface SYNOPSIS # pseudo-device trunk DESCRIPTION # The trunk interface allows aggregation of multiple network interfaces as one virtual trunk interface. A trunk interface can be created using the ifconfig trunk‌N create command. The driver currently supports the trunk protocols broadcast, failover, lacp, loadbalance, none, and roundrobin (the default). The protocols determine which ports are used for outgoing traffic and whether a specific port accepts incoming traffic. ...