tic(1) User commands tic(1)
tic(1) User commands tic(1) # tic(1) User commands tic(1) NNAAMMEE # ttiicc - the _t_e_r_m_i_n_f_o entry-description compiler SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # ttiicc [--0011CCDDGGIIKKLLNNTTUUVVWWaaccffggqqrrssttxx] [--ee _n_a_m_e_s] [--oo _d_i_r] [--QQ[_n]] [--RR _s_u_b_s_e_t] [--vv[_n]] [--ww[_n]] _f_i_l_e DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # The ttiicc command translates a tteerrmmiinnffoo file from source format into compiled format. The compiled format is necessary for use with the library routines in nnccuurrsseess(3). As described in tteerrmm(5), the database may be either a directory tree (one file per terminal entry) or a hashed database (one record per entry). ...