Test2::Transition(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::Transition(3p)
Test2::Transition(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::Transition(3p) # Test2::Transition(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::Transition(3p) NNAAMMEE # Test2::Transition - Transition notes when upgrading to Test2 DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # This is where gotchas and breakages related to the Test2 upgrade are documented. The upgrade causes Test::Builder to defer to Test2 under the hood. This transition is mostly transparent, but there are a few cases that can trip you up. TTHHIINNGGSS TTHHAATT BBRREEAAKK # This is the list of scenarios that break with the new internals. ...