Test2::EventFacet::About(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide
Test2::EventFacet::About(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide # Test2::EventFacet::About(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide NNAAMMEE # Test2::EventFacet::About - Facet with event details. DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # This facet has information about the event, such as event package. FFIIEELLDDSS # $string = $about->{details} $string = $about->ddeettaaiillss(()) Summary about the event. $package = $about->{package} $package = $about->ppaacckkaaggee(()) Event package name. $bool = $about->{no_display} $bool = $about->nnoo__ddiissppllaayy(()) True if the event should be skipped by formatters. $uuid = $about->{uuid} $uuid = $about->uuuuiidd(()) Will be set to a uuid if uuid tagging was enabled. ...