Test2::API(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::API(3p)
Test2::API(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::API(3p) # Test2::API(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::API(3p) NNAAMMEE # Test2::API - Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools. IINNTTEERRNNAALLSS NNOOTTEE # TThhee iinntteerrnnaallss ooff tthhiiss ppaacckkaaggee aarree ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo cchhaannggee aatt aannyy ttiimmee!! The public methods provided will not change in backwards-incompatible ways (once there is a stable release), but the underlying implementation details might. DDoo nnoott bbrreeaakk eennccaappssuullaattiioonn hheerree!! Currently the implementation is to create a single instance of the Test2::API::Instance Object. ...