
term(5) File formats term(5)


term(5) File formats term(5) # term(5) File formats term(5) NNAAMMEE # term - format of compiled term file. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # tteerrmm DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # SSTTOORRAAGGEE LLOOCCAATTIIOONN # Compiled terminfo descriptions are placed under the directory //uussrr//sshhaarree//tteerrmmiinnffoo. Two configurations are supported (when building the nnccuurrsseess libraries): ddiirreeccttoorryy ttrreeee A two-level scheme is used to avoid a linear search of a huge UNIX system directory: //uussrr//sshhaarree//tteerrmmiinnffoo//cc//nnaammee where _n_a_m_e is the name of the terminal, and _c is the first character of _n_a_m_e. ...

term(7) Miscellaneous term(7)


term(7) Miscellaneous term(7) # term(7) Miscellaneous term(7) NNAAMMEE # term - conventions for naming terminal types DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # The environment variable TTEERRMM should normally contain the type name of the terminal, console or display-device type you are using. This information is critical for all screen-oriented programs, including your editor and mailer. A default TTEERRMM value will be set on a per-line basis by either //eettcc//iinniittttaabb (e.g., System-V-like UNIXes) or //eettcc//ttttyyss (BSD UNIXes). ...

TERMCAP(5) - File Formats Manual

Curses, Term, Vi, Terminfo, Ul, Printf, Tset, Ex, Cap_mkdb, More, Termcap

TERMCAP(5) - File Formats Manual # TERMCAP(5) - File Formats Manual NAME # termcap - terminal capability database DESCRIPTION # The termcap file is a database describing terminals, used, for example, by vi(1) and curses(3). Terminals are described in termcap by giving a set of capabilities that they have and by describing how operations are performed. Padding requirements and initialization sequences are included in termcap. Entries in termcap consist of a number of `:’-separated fields. ...