
STRINGS(1) GNU Development Tools STRINGS(1)


STRINGS(1) GNU Development Tools STRINGS(1) # STRINGS(1) GNU Development Tools STRINGS(1) NNAAMMEE # strings - print the strings of printable characters in files. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # strings [--aaffoovv] [--_m_i_n_-_l_e_n] [--nn _m_i_n_-_l_e_n] [----bbyytteess==_m_i_n_-_l_e_n] [--tt _r_a_d_i_x] [----rraaddiixx==_r_a_d_i_x] [--ee _e_n_c_o_d_i_n_g] [----eennccooddiinngg==_e_n_c_o_d_i_n_g] [--] [----aallll] [----pprriinntt--ffiillee--nnaammee] [----ttaarrggeett==_b_f_d_n_a_m_e] [----hheellpp] [----vveerrssiioonn] _f_i_l_e... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # For each _f_i_l_e given, GNU ssttrriinnggss prints the printable character sequences that are at least 4 characters long (or the number given with the options below) and are followed by an unprintable character. ...