
SECURENET(5) - File Formats Manual

Ypserv, Yp, Ypserv.acl, Securenet

SECURENET(5) - File Formats Manual # SECURENET(5) - File Formats Manual NAME # securenet - ypserv(8) configuration file for secure networks DESCRIPTION # The securenet file controls which hosts can connect to the YP server. The format is rather simple. Each row consists of two items. The first item is the network mask. The second item is the network. FILES # /var/yp/securenet a ypserv(8) configuration file EXAMPLES # A configuration file might look like the following: ...

YPSERV.ACL(5) - File Formats Manual

Ypserv, Yp, Securenet, Ypserv-Acl

YPSERV.ACL(5) - File Formats Manual # YPSERV.ACL(5) - File Formats Manual NAME # ypserv.acl - ypserv(8) access control configuration DESCRIPTION # The ypserv.acl file controls which hosts can connect to the yp(8) server. The format is more complex than the format for securenet(5). The first two words on each line controls if the line will allow or deny access for a host, network (net), or all hosts. The YP server reads the configuration file and builds a list in memory. ...

YPSERV(8) - System Manager's Manual

Securenet, Dbopen, Makefile.yp, Ypbind, Ypserv.acl, Yp, Ypserv

YPSERV(8) - System Manager’s Manual # YPSERV(8) - System Manager’s Manual NAME # ypserv - YP server daemon SYNOPSIS # ypserv [-1dx] [-a aclfile] DESCRIPTION # ypserv is a fundamental part of the network information system called YP. This server provides information from YP maps to the YP clients on the network. A YP map is stored on the server as a Berkeley database. A number of YP maps are grouped together in a domain. ...