scr_dump(5) File formats scr_dump(5)
scr_dump(5) File formats scr_dump(5) # scr_dump(5) File formats scr_dump(5) NNAAMMEE # scr_dump - format of curses screen-dumps. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # ssccrr__dduummpp DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # The curses library provides applications with the ability to write the contents of a window to an external file using ssccrr__dduummpp or ppuuttwwiinn, and read it back using ssccrr__rreessttoorree or ggeettwwiinn. The ppuuttwwiinn and ggeettwwiinn functions do the work; while ssccrr__dduummpp and ssccrr__rreessttoorree conveniently save and restore the whole screen, i. ...