
QLA(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Sbus, Scsi, Qlw, Qle, Qla

QLA(4) - Device Drivers Manual # QLA(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # qla - QLogic ISP2100/2200/2300 Fibre Channel controller SYNOPSIS # qla* at pci? qla* at sbus? DESCRIPTION # The qla driver provides support for 1G and 2G QLogic Fibre Channel host bus adapters using the ISP2100, ISP2200, and ISP2300 chipsets. qla provides no ability to configure an adapter’s parameters at runtime; all configuration must be done prior to booting OpenBSD. ...

QLE(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Qla, Scsi, Qlw, Qle

QLE(4) - Device Drivers Manual # QLE(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # qle - QLogic ISP2400/2500 Fibre Channel controller SYNOPSIS # qle* at pci? DESCRIPTION # The qle driver provides support for 4G and 8G QLogic Fibre Channel host bus adapters using the ISP2400 and ISP2500 family of chipsets. qle provides no ability to configure an adapter’s parameters at runtime; all configuration must be done prior to booting OpenBSD. ...

QLW(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Qla, Sbus, Scsi, Qle, Qlw

QLW(4) - Device Drivers Manual # QLW(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # qlw - QLogic ISP1000/1020/1x40/1x80/1x160 SCSI controller SYNOPSIS # qlw* at pci? qlw* at sbus? DESCRIPTION # The qlw driver provides support for QLogic Ultra Wide SCSI host bus adapters using the ISP1000, ISP1020/1040, ISP1080/1240/1280 and ISP10160/12160 chips. qlw provides no ability to configure an adapter’s parameters at runtime; all configuration must be done prior to booting OpenBSD. ...