POD2TEXT(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide POD2TEXT(1)
POD2TEXT(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide POD2TEXT(1) # POD2TEXT(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide POD2TEXT(1) NNAAMMEE # pod2text - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # pod2text [--aacclloossttuu] [----ccooddee] [----eerrrroorrss=_s_t_y_l_e] [--ii _i_n_d_e_n_t] [--qq _q_u_o_t_e_s] [----nnoouurrllss] [----ssttddeerrrr] [--ww _w_i_d_t_h] [_i_n_p_u_t [_o_u_t_p_u_t ...]] pod2text --hh DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # ppoodd22tteexxtt is a front-end for Pod::Text and its subclasses. It uses them to generate formatted ASCII text from POD source. It can optionally use either termcap sequences or ANSI color escape sequences to format the text. ...