
Pod::Simple::XHTML(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide


Pod::Simple::XHTML(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide # Pod::Simple::XHTML(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide NNAAMMEE # Pod::Simple::XHTML -- format Pod as validating XHTML SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # use Pod::Simple::XHTML; my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new(); ... $parser->parse_file('path/to/file.pod'); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # This class is a formatter that takes Pod and renders it as XHTML validating HTML. This is a subclass of Pod::Simple::Methody and inherits all its methods. The implementation is entirely different than Pod::Simple::HTML, but it largely preserves the same interface. ...