
PERLUNIFAQ(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLUNIFAQ(1)


PERLUNIFAQ(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLUNIFAQ(1) # PERLUNIFAQ(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLUNIFAQ(1) NNAAMMEE # perlunifaq - Perl Unicode FAQ QQ aanndd AA This is a list of questions and answers about Unicode in Perl, intended to be read after perlunitut. ppeerrlluunniittuutt iissnn’’tt rreeaallllyy aa UUnniiccooddee ttuuttoorriiaall,, iiss iitt?? No, and this isn’t really a Unicode FAQ. Perl has an abstracted interface for all supported character encodings, so this is actually a generic "Encode" tutorial and "Encode" FAQ. ...