
PERL5100DELTA(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL5100DELTA(1)


PERL5100DELTA(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL5100DELTA(1) # PERL5100DELTA(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL5100DELTA(1) NNAAMMEE # perl5100delta - what is new for perl 5.10.0 DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # This document describes the differences between the 5.8.8 release and the 5.10.0 release. Many of the bug fixes in 5.10.0 were already seen in the 5.8.X maintenance releases; they are not duplicated here and are documented in the set of man pages named perl58[1-8]?delta. CCoorree EEnnhhaanncceemmeennttss TThhee “"ffeeaattuurree"” pprraaggmmaa The “feature” pragma is used to enable new syntax that would break Perl’s backwards-compatibility with older releases of the language. ...