
OGX(4) - Device Drivers Manual (octeon)

Intro, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Ifconfig, Ogxnexus, Hostname.if, Ogx

OGX(4) - Device Drivers Manual (octeon) # OGX(4) - Device Drivers Manual (octeon) NAME # ogx - OCTEON III built-in Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # ogx* at ogxnexus? DESCRIPTION # The ogx driver supports built-in Ethernet ports on the OCTEON III network processor. The ogx driver utilizes IPv4 and TCP/UDP checksum offload on transmission. SEE ALSO # arp(4), ifmedia(4), intro(4), netintro(4), ogxnexus(4), hostname.if(5), ifconfig(8) HISTORY # The ogx driver first appeared in OpenBSD 6. ...

OGXNEXUS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (octeon)

Intro, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Ogx, Ifconfig, Hostname.if, Ogxnexus

OGXNEXUS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (octeon) # OGXNEXUS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (octeon) NAME # ogxnexus - OCTEON III Ethernet nexus SYNOPSIS # ogxnexus* at fdt? ogx* at ogxnexus? DESCRIPTION # The ogxnexus driver provides an attachment point for instances of the ogx(4) driver. SEE ALSO # arp(4), ifmedia(4), intro(4), netintro(4), ogx(4), hostname.if(5), ifconfig(8) HISTORY # The ogxnexus driver first appeared in OpenBSD 6.7. OpenBSD 7.5 - November 5, 2019