nsd-control(8) nsd 4.8.0 nsd-control(8)
nsd-control(8) nsd 4.8.0 nsd-control(8) # nsd-control(8) nsd 4.8.0 nsd-control(8) NNAAMMEE # nnssdd--ccoonnttrrooll,, nnssdd--ccoonnttrrooll--sseettuupp - NSD remote server control utility. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # nnssdd--ccoonnttrrooll [--cc _c_f_g_f_i_l_e] [--ss _s_e_r_v_e_r] _c_o_m_m_a_n_d DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # nnssdd--ccoonnttrrooll performs remote administration on the _n_s_d(8) DNS server. It reads the configuration file, contacts the nsd server over SSL, sends the command and displays the result. The available options are: --hh Show the version and commandline option help. --cc _c_f_g_f_i_l_e The config file to read with settings. ...