
nsd.conf(5) nsd 4.8.0 nsd.conf(5)


nsd.conf(5) nsd 4.8.0 nsd.conf(5) # nsd.conf(5) nsd 4.8.0 nsd.conf(5) NNAAMMEE # nnssdd..ccoonnff - NSD configuration file SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # nnssdd..ccoonnff DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # NNssdd..ccoonnff is used to configure nsd(8). The file format has attributes and values. Some attributes have attributes inside them. The notation is: attribute: value. Comments start with # and last to the end of line. Empty lines are ignored as is whitespace at the beginning of a line. Quotes can be used, for names with spaces, eg. ...