nsd-checkzone(8) nsd 4.8.0 nsd-checkzone(8)
nsd-checkzone(8) nsd 4.8.0 nsd-checkzone(8) # nsd-checkzone(8) nsd 4.8.0 nsd-checkzone(8) NNAAMMEE # nnssdd--cchheecckkzzoonnee - NSD zone file syntax checker. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # nnssdd--cchheecckkzzoonnee [--hh] _z_o_n_e_n_a_m_e _z_o_n_e_f_i_l_e DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # nnssdd--cchheecckkzzoonnee reads a DNS zone file and checks it for errors. It prints errors to stderr. On failure it exits with nonzero exit status. This is used to check files before feeding them to the nsd(8) daemon. OOPPTTIIOONNSS # --hh Print usage help information and exit. ...