
CAT(1) - General Commands Manual

Pr, Sh, Head, Vis, Tail, Setvbuf, Less, More, Cat

CAT(1) - General Commands Manual # CAT(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # cat - concatenate and print files SYNOPSIS # cat [-benstuv] [file …] DESCRIPTION # The cat utility reads files sequentially, writing them to the standard output. The file operands are processed in command-line order. If file is a single dash (’-’) or absent, cat reads from the standard input. The options are as follows: -b Number the lines, but don’t count blank lines. ...

FTP(1) - General Commands Manual

Editline, Popen, Editrc, Proxy, Ftpd, Getservbyname, Stty, Services, Tftp, Basename, Csh, More, Tar, Ftp

FTP(1) - General Commands Manual # FTP(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # ftp - Internet file transfer program SYNOPSIS # ftp [-46AadEegiMmnptVv] [-D title] [-k seconds] [-P port] [-r seconds] [-s sourceaddr] [host [port]] ftp [-C] [-N name] [-o output] [-s sourceaddr] ftp://[user:password@]host[:port]/file[/] … ftp [-CTu] [-c cookie] [-N name] [-o output] [-S ssl_options] [-s sourceaddr] [-U useragent] [-w seconds] http[s]://[user:password@]host[:port]/file … ftp [-C] [-N name] [-o output] [-s sourceaddr] file:file … ...

HEAD(1) - General Commands Manual

Cat, Tail, Cut, Less, More, Head

HEAD(1) - General Commands Manual # HEAD(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # head - display first few lines of files SYNOPSIS # head [-‌count | -n count] [file …] DESCRIPTION # The head utility copies the first count lines of each specified file to the standard output. If no files are named, head copies lines from the standard input. If count is omitted, it defaults to 10. The options are as follows: ...

LESS(1) - General Commands Manual

Lesskey, More, Less

LESS(1) - General Commands Manual # LESS(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # less - view files SYNOPSIS # less [-?~AaBCcdEeFfGgIiJKLMmNnQqRrSsUuVWwX] [-b n] [-h n] [-j n] [-k keyfile] [-O | -o logfile] [-P prompt] [-p pattern] [-T tagsfile] [-t tag] [-x n,…] [-y n] [-z n] [-# n] [file …] DESCRIPTION # less displays text one screenful at a time. After showing each screenful, it prompts the user for a command, as described in COMMANDS. ...

MORE(1) - General Commands Manual

Less, Vi, Ctags, Re_format, More

MORE(1) - General Commands Manual # MORE(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # more - view files SYNOPSIS # more [-ceisu] [-n number] [-p command] [-t tag] [file …] DESCRIPTION # The more pager displays text one screenful at a time. After showing each screenful, it prompts the user for a command. Most commands scroll the text or move to a different place in the file, while some switch to another file. ...

PR(1) - General Commands Manual

Ascii, Cat, More, Pr

PR(1) - General Commands Manual # PR(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # pr - print files SYNOPSIS # pr [+‌page] [-‌column] [-adFfmrt] [-e[char][gap]] [-h header] [-i[char][gap]] [-l lines] [-n[char][width]] [-o offset] [-s[char]] [-w width] [file …] DESCRIPTION # The pr utility is a printing and pagination filter for text files. When multiple input files are specified, each is read, formatted, and written to standard output. By default, the input is separated into 66-line pages, each with ...

SYSMERGE(8) - System Manager's Manual

Sdiff, More, Sysmerge

SYSMERGE(8) - System Manager’s Manual # SYSMERGE(8) - System Manager’s Manual NAME # sysmerge - update system configuration files SYNOPSIS # sysmerge [-bdp] DESCRIPTION # sysmerge is a utility designed to help the administrator update configuration files after upgrading to a new release or snapshot. sysmerge works by comparing a reference root directory against currently installed files. sysmerge will work through the fileset, offering the chance to merge any differences using sdiff(1). ...

TERMCAP(5) - File Formats Manual

Curses, Term, Vi, Terminfo, Ul, Printf, Tset, Ex, Cap_mkdb, More, Termcap

TERMCAP(5) - File Formats Manual # TERMCAP(5) - File Formats Manual NAME # termcap - terminal capability database DESCRIPTION # The termcap file is a database describing terminals, used, for example, by vi(1) and curses(3). Terminals are described in termcap by giving a set of capabilities that they have and by describing how operations are performed. Padding requirements and initialization sequences are included in termcap. Entries in termcap consist of a number of `:’-separated fields. ...

ZMORE(1) - General Commands Manual

Compress, Less, More, Gzip, Zmore

ZMORE(1) - General Commands Manual # ZMORE(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # zmore, zless - view compressed files SYNOPSIS # zmore [flags] [file …] zless [flags] [file …] DESCRIPTION # zmore is a filter that allows the viewing of files compressed with Lempel-Ziv encoding. Such files generally have a “Z” or “gz” extension (both the compress(1) and gzip(1) formats are supported). Any flags that are specified are passed to more(1) or less(1), respectively. ...