
CDBOOT(8) - System Manager's Manual (amd64)

Mkhybrid, Boot_amd64, Boot, Cdboot

CDBOOT(8) - System Manager’s Manual (amd64) # CDBOOT(8) - System Manager’s Manual (amd64) NAME # cdboot - amd64-specific second-stage CD-specific bootstrap DESCRIPTION # cdboot is a modified version of the amd64 second-stage bootstrap program, boot(8), configured to be run by the OpenBSD El Torito CD-ROM boot sector cdbr. cdboot will look for an /etc/boot.conf configuration file on the CD-ROM. If it finds one, it processes the commands within it. boot. ...

CDBOOT(8) - System Manager's Manual (i386)

Mkhybrid, Boot_i386, Boot, Cdboot

CDBOOT(8) - System Manager’s Manual (i386) # CDBOOT(8) - System Manager’s Manual (i386) NAME # cdboot - i386-specific second-stage CD-specific bootstrap DESCRIPTION # cdboot is a modified version of the i386 second-stage bootstrap program, boot(8), configured to be run by the OpenBSD El Torito CD-ROM boot sector cdbr. cdboot will look for an /etc/boot.conf configuration file on the CD-ROM. If it finds one, it processes the commands within it. boot. ...

MKHYBRID(8) System Manager's Manual MKHYBRID(8)


MKHYBRID(8) System Manager’s Manual MKHYBRID(8) # MKHYBRID(8) System Manager’s Manual MKHYBRID(8) NNAAMMEE # mkhybrid - create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem with optional Rock Ridge attributes. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # mmkkhhyybbrriidd [ --aa ] [ --aabbssttrraacctt _F_I_L_E ] [ --bbiibblliioo _F_I_L_E ] [ --bb _b_o_o_t___i_m_a_g_e ] [ --cc _b_o_o_t___c_a_t_a_l_o_g ] [ --ccooppyyrriigghhtt _F_I_L_E ] [ --AA _a_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n___i_d ] [ --ff ] [ --dd ] [ --DD ] [ --ee _e_f_i___b_o_o_t___i_m_a_g_e ] [ --hhiiddee _g_l_o_b ] [ --hhiiddee--lliisstt _f_i_l_e ] [ --hhiiddee--jjoolliieett _g_l_o_b ] [ --hhiiddee--jjoolliieett--lliisstt _f_i_l_e ] [ --JJ ] [ --ll ] [ --LL ] [ --lloogg--ffiillee _l_o_g___f_i_l_e ] [ --nnoo--sspplliitt--ssyymmlliinnkk--ccoommppoonneennttss ] [ --nnoo--sspplliitt--ssyymmlliinnkk--ffiieellddss ] [ --ppaatthh--lliisstt _f_i_l_e ] [ --pp _p_r_e_p_a_r_e_r ] [ --pprriinntt--ssiizzee ] [ --PP _p_u_b_l_i_s_h_e_r ] [ --qquuiieett ] [ --rr ] [ --RR ] [ --ssyyssiidd _I_D ] [ --TT | --ttaabbllee--nnaammee _T_A_B_L_E___N_A_M_E ] [ --vv ] [ --VV _v_o_l_i_d ] [ --vvoollsseett _I_D ] [ --vvoollsseett--ssiizzee _# ] [ --vvoollsseett--sseeqqnnoo _# ] [ --xx _p_a_t_h ] [ --zz ] [ --mm _g_l_o_b ] [ --hhffss | --aappppllee ] [ --mmaapp _m_a_p_p_i_n_g___f_i_l_e ] [ --mmaaggiicc _m_a_g_i_c___f_i_l_e ] [ --nnoo--mmaacc--ffiilleess ] [ --pprroobbee ] [ --nnoo--ddeesskkttoopp ] [ --mmaacc--nnaammee ] [ --bboooott--hhffss--ffiillee _d_r_i_v_e_r___f_i_l_e [ --ppaarrtt ] [ --aauuttoo _A_u_t_o_S_t_a_r_t___f_i_l_e ] [ --cclluusstteerr--ssiizzee _s_i_z_e ] [ --hhiiddee--hhffss _g_l_o_b ] [ --hhiiddee--hhffss--lliisstt _f_i_l_e ] [ --hhffss--vvoolliidd _h_f_s___v_o_l_i_d ] [ --hhffss--bblleessss _f_o_l_d_e_r___n_a_m_e ] [ ----ccaapp ] [ ----nneettaattaallkk ] [ ----ddoouubbllee ] [ ----eetthheerrsshhaarree ] [ ----uusshhaarree ] [ ----eexxcchhaannggee ] [ ----ssggii ] [ ----xxiinneett ] [ ----mmaaccbbiinn ] [ ----ssiinnggllee ] --oo _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e _p_a_t_h_s_p_e_c _[_p_a_t_h_s_p_e_c_] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # mmkkhhyybbrriidd is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate an HFS/ISO9660/JOLIET hybrid filesystem. ...