MAKEINFO(1) User Commands MAKEINFO(1)
MAKEINFO(1) User Commands MAKEINFO(1) # MAKEINFO(1) User Commands MAKEINFO(1) NNAAMMEE # makeinfo - translate Texinfo documents SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # mmaakkeeiinnffoo [_O_P_T_I_O_N]... _T_E_X_I_N_F_O_-_F_I_L_E... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # Translate Texinfo source documentation to various other formats, by default Info files suitable for reading online with Emacs or standalone GNU Info. GGeenneerraall ooppttiioonnss:: -–-eerrrroorr--lliimmiitt=_N_U_M quit after NUM errors (default 100). ----ffoorrccee preserve output even if errors. ----hheellpp display this help and exit. ----nnoo--vvaalliiddaattee suppress node cross-reference validation. ...