
DFS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc)

Sysctl, Macgpio, Dfs

DFS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) # DFS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) NAME # dfs - Dynamic Frequency Switching SYNOPSIS # dfs* at macgpio? DESCRIPTION # The dfs driver provides support for the Dynamic Frequency Switching feature found on some PowerPC microprocessors. It conserves power by lowering the processor operating frequency. Depending on the processor model, the processor-to-system bus ratio can be divided by two or four. HARDWARE # Processors supported by the dfs driver are part of the PowerPC G4 family and are found on various iBook and PowerBook machines: ...

MACGPIO(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc)

Intro, Macobio, Macgpio

MACGPIO(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) # MACGPIO(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) NAME # macgpio - support for on-board GPIO controllers SYNOPSIS # macgpio* at macobio? macgpio* at macgpio? DESCRIPTION # The macgpio device provides support for GPIO controllers found on many Apple machines. OpenBSD provides support for the following devices: dfs(4) Dynamic Frequency Switching pgs(4) programmer’s switch sysbutton(4) Xserve G4 and G5 front system identifier button SEE ALSO # intro(4), macobio(4) ...

PGS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc)

Intro, Sysctl, Macgpio, Pgs

PGS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) # PGS(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) NAME # pgs - programmer’s switch SYNOPSIS # pgs* at macgpio? DESCRIPTION # The pgs driver provides support for the “Programmer’s Switch” found on selected PowerMac2,1 and newer models. If the ddb.console sysctl(8) is set, pressing the button will cause the machine to enter ddb(4). The “Programmers Switch” can be identified by the V-like symbol on it. ...

SYSBUTTON(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc)

Intro, Sysctl, Macgpio, Sysbutton

SYSBUTTON(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) # SYSBUTTON(4) - Device Drivers Manual (macppc) NAME # sysbutton - Xserve G4 and G5 front system identifier button SYNOPSIS # sysbutton* at macgpio? DESCRIPTION # The sysbutton driver provides support for the system identifier button found on the front panel of Apple G4 and G5 Xserve machines. If the ddb.console sysctl(8) is set, pressing the system identifier button will cause the machine to enter ddb(4). ...