
LESS(1) - General Commands Manual

Lesskey, More, Less

LESS(1) - General Commands Manual # LESS(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # less - view files SYNOPSIS # less [-?~AaBCcdEeFfGgIiJKLMmNnQqRrSsUuVWwX] [-b n] [-h n] [-j n] [-k keyfile] [-O | -o logfile] [-P prompt] [-p pattern] [-T tagsfile] [-t tag] [-x n,…] [-y n] [-z n] [-# n] [file …] DESCRIPTION # less displays text one screenful at a time. After showing each screenful, it prompts the user for a command, as described in COMMANDS. ...

LESSKEY(1) - General Commands Manual

Less, Lesskey

LESSKEY(1) - General Commands Manual # LESSKEY(1) - General Commands Manual NAME # lesskey - customize key bindings for less SYNOPSIS # lesskey [-o output | –output=output] [input] lesskey -V | –version DESCRIPTION # lesskey is used to change the default key bindings of less(1). The input file is a text file which describes the key bindings. If the input file is ‘-’, standard input is read. If no input file is specified, a standard filename is used as the name of the input file; by default $HOME/. ...