CAT(1) - General Commands Manual # CAT(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # cat - concatenate and print files
SYNOPSIS # cat [-benstuv] [file …]
DESCRIPTION # The cat utility reads files sequentially, writing them to the standard output. The file operands are processed in command-line order. If file is a single dash (’-’) or absent, cat reads from the standard input.
The options are as follows:
Number the lines, but don’t count blank lines.
HEAD(1) - General Commands Manual # HEAD(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # head - display first few lines of files
SYNOPSIS # head [-‌count | -n count] [file …]
DESCRIPTION # The head utility copies the first count lines of each specified file to the standard output. If no files are named, head copies lines from the standard input. If count is omitted, it defaults to 10.
The options are as follows:
LESS(1) - General Commands Manual # LESS(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # less - view files
SYNOPSIS # less [-?~AaBCcdEeFfGgIiJKLMmNnQqRrSsUuVWwX] [-b n] [-h n] [-j n] [-k keyfile] [-O | -o logfile] [-P prompt] [-p pattern] [-T tagsfile] [-t tag] [-x n,…] [-y n] [-z n] [-# n] [file …]
DESCRIPTION # less displays text one screenful at a time. After showing each screenful, it prompts the user for a command, as described in COMMANDS.
less(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide less(3p) # less(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide less(3p)
NNAAMMEE # less - perl pragma to request less of something SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # use less 'CPU'; DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # This is a user-pragma. If you're very lucky some code you're using will know that you asked for less CPU usage or ram or fat or... we just can't know. Consult your documentation on everything you're currently using. For general suggestions, try requesting "CPU" or "memory".
LESSKEY(1) - General Commands Manual # LESSKEY(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # lesskey - customize key bindings for less
SYNOPSIS # lesskey [-o output | –output=output] [input]
lesskey -VÂ |Â –version
DESCRIPTION # lesskey is used to change the default key bindings of less(1). The input file is a text file which describes the key bindings. If the input file is ‘-’, standard input is read. If no input file is specified, a standard filename is used as the name of the input file; by default $HOME/.
MORE(1) - General Commands Manual # MORE(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # more - view files
SYNOPSIS # more [-ceisu] [-n number] [-p command] [-t tag] [file …]
DESCRIPTION # The more pager displays text one screenful at a time. After showing each screenful, it prompts the user for a command. Most commands scroll the text or move to a different place in the file, while some switch to another file.
ZMORE(1) - General Commands Manual # ZMORE(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # zmore, zless - view compressed files
SYNOPSIS # zmore [flags] [file …]
zless [flags] [file …]
DESCRIPTION # zmore is a filter that allows the viewing of files compressed with Lempel-Ziv encoding. Such files generally have a “Z” or “gz” extension (both the compress(1) and gzip(1) formats are supported). Any flags that are specified are passed to more(1) or less(1), respectively.