
IPC::SysV(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide IPC::SysV(3p)


IPC::SysV(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide IPC::SysV(3p) # IPC::SysV(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide IPC::SysV(3p) NNAAMMEE # IPC::SysV - System V IPC constants and system calls SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # use IPC::SysV qw(IPC_STAT IPC_PRIVATE); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # "IPC::SysV" defines and conditionally exports all the constants defined in your system include files which are needed by the SysV IPC calls. Common ones include IPC_CREAT IPC_EXCL IPC_NOWAIT IPC_PRIVATE IPC_RMID IPC_SET IPC_STAT # GETVAL SETVAL GETPID GETNCNT GETZCNT GETALL SETALL # SEM_A SEM_R SEM_UNDO # SHM_RDONLY SHM_RND SHMLBA # and auxiliary ones S_IRUSR S_IWUSR S_IRWXU # S_IRGRP S_IWGRP S_IRWXG # S_IROTH S_IWOTH S_IRWXO # but your system might have more. ...