IO::Zlib(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide IO::Zlib(3p)
IO::Zlib(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide IO::Zlib(3p) # IO::Zlib(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide IO::Zlib(3p) NNAAMMEE # IO::Zlib - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # With any version of Perl 5 you can use the basic OO interface: use IO::Zlib; $fh = new IO::Zlib; if ($fh->open("file.gz", "rb")) { print <$fh>; $fh->close; } $fh = IO::Zlib->new("file.gz", "wb9"); if (defined $fh) { print $fh "bar\n"; $fh->close; } $fh = IO::Zlib->new("file.gz", "rb"); if (defined $fh) { print <$fh>; undef $fh; # automatically closes the file } With Perl 5. ...