INFO(1) User Commands INFO(1) # INFO(1) User Commands INFO(1)
NNAAMMEE # info - read Info documents SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # iinnffoo [_O_P_T_I_O_N]... [_M_E_N_U_-_I_T_E_M...] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # Read documentation in Info format. OOPPTTIIOONNSS # ----aapprrooppooss=_S_T_R_I_N_G look up STRING in all indices of all manuals. --dd, ----ddiirreeccttoorryy=_D_I_R add DIR to INFOPATH. ----ddrriibbbbllee=_F_I_L_E_N_A_M_E remember user keystrokes in FILENAME. --ff, ----ffiillee=_F_I_L_E_N_A_M_E specify Info file to visit. --hh, ----hheellpp display this help and exit. ----iinnddeexx--sseeaarrcchh=_S_T_R_I_N_G go to node pointed by index entry STRING.
INFO(5) File Formats Manual INFO(5) # INFO(5) File Formats Manual INFO(5)
NNAAMMEE # info - readable online documentation DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # The Info file format is an easily-parsable representation for online documents. It can be read by _e_m_a_c_s_(_1_) and _i_n_f_o_(_1_) among other programs. Info files are usually created from _t_e_x_i_n_f_o_(_5_) sources by _m_a_k_e_i_n_f_o_(_1_), but can be created from scratch if so desired. For a full description of the Texinfo language and associated tools, please see the Texinfo manual (written in Texinfo itself).
INFOKEY(1) - General Commands Manual # INFOKEY(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # infokey - compile custom key bindings file
SYNOPSIS # infokey [–help] [–version] [–output file] [input file]
DESCRIPTION # The infokey utility compiles a source file ($HOME/.infokey by default) containing info(1) customizations into a binary format ($HOME/.info by default) . info(1) reads the binary file at startup to override the default key bindings and variable definitions.
Besides the standard –help and –version options, the only option is –output file.