
GLXSB(4) - Device Drivers Manual (i386)

Intro, Pci, Random, Ipsec, Crypto, Glxsb

GLXSB(4) - Device Drivers Manual (i386) # GLXSB(4) - Device Drivers Manual (i386) NAME # glxsb - Geode LX Security Block crypto accelerator SYNOPSIS # glxsb* at pci? DESCRIPTION # The glxsb driver supports the security block of the Geode LX series processors. The Geode LX is a member of the AMD Geode family of integrated x86 system chips. Driven by periodic checks for available data from the generator, glxsb supplies entropy to the random(4) driver for common usage. ...

RANDOM(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Pchb, Glxsb, Arc4random, Amdpm, Random

RANDOM(4) - Device Drivers Manual # RANDOM(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # random, urandom - random data source device DESCRIPTION # The urandom device produces high quality pseudo-random output data without ever blocking. Entropy data stored previously is provided to the kernel during the boot sequence and used as inner-state of a stream cipher. High quality data is available immediately upon kernel startup. System activity (such as disk, network, and clock device interrupts), and hardware random generator output is collected, whitened with a crc and hash, then periodically folded together with stream cipher inner-state and outer-state to create a new inner state. ...