
ENCGUESS(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide ENCGUESS(1)


ENCGUESS(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide ENCGUESS(1) # ENCGUESS(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide ENCGUESS(1) NNAAMMEE # encguess - guess character encodings of files VVEERRSSIIOONN # $Id: encguess,v 0.3 2020/12/02 01:28:17 dankogai Exp $ SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # encguess [switches] filename... SSWWIITTCCHHEESS # -h show this message and exit. -s specify a list of "suspect encoding types" to test, separated by either ":" or "," -S # output a list of all acceptable encoding types that can be used with the -s param -u suppress display of unidentified types EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS:: # • Guess encoding of a file named "test. ...