
AXE(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Usb, Intro, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Rgephy, Ifconfig, Rlphy, Eephy, Hostname.if, Axe

AXE(4) - Device Drivers Manual # AXE(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # axe - ASIX Electronics AX88172/AX88178/AX88772 10/100/1Gb USB Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # axe* at uhub? rgephy* at mii? rlphy* at mii? eephy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The axe driver provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the ASIX Electronics AX88172, AX88178, and AX88772 USB 2.0 chipsets, including the following: Apple USB Ethernet Adapter A1277 ATEN UC-210T ...

EEPHY(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Mii, Ifconfig, Intro, Ifmedia, Eephy

EEPHY(4) - Device Drivers Manual # EEPHY(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # eephy - Marvell 88E1000/88E1011/88E1111/88E1545 Alaska Ethernet PHY SYNOPSIS # eephy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The eephy driver supports Marvell 88E1000, 88E1011, 88E1111 and 88E1545 10/100/1000 Ethernet PHYs. SEE ALSO # ifmedia(4), intro(4), mii(4), ifconfig(8) OpenBSD 7.5 - September 24, 2019

GEM(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Brgphy, Gentbi, Lxtphy, Ifconfig, Inet, Eephy, Luphy, Bmtphy, Hostname.if, Gem

GEM(4) - Device Drivers Manual # GEM(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # gem - GEM 10/100/1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # gem* at pci? gem* at sbus? bmtphy* at mii? brgphy* at mii? eephy* at mii? gentbi* at mii? luphy* at mii? lxtphy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The gem driver provides support for various NICs based on the GEM Ethernet controller chips, including the following: Apple GMAC (10/100/1000baseT) Sun ERI (10/100baseT) Sun GEM (10/100/1000baseT) Sun GEM (1000baseSX) It uses an external PHY or an external 10-bit interface. ...

MSK(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Ifconfig, Eephy, Hostname.if, Msk

MSK(4) - Device Drivers Manual # MSK(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # msk, mskc - Marvell Yukon-2 10/100/1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # mskc* at pci? msk* at mskc? eephy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The msk driver provides support for Marvell Yukon-2 88E802x, 88E805x, 88E806x, and 88E807x based Gigabit Ethernet adapters and 88E803x/88E804x based Fast Ethernet adapters, including the following: D-Link DGE-550SX, multimode fiber adapter D-Link DGE-560SX, multimode fiber adapter D-Link DGE-550T B1, copper adapter D-Link DGE-560T, copper adapter SysKonnect SK-9E21 single port, copper adapter SysKonnect SK-9E22 dual port, copper adapter SysKonnect SK-9E81 single port, multimode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9E82 dual port, multimode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9E91 single port, single mode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9E92 dual port, single mode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9S21 single port, copper adapter SysKonnect SK-9S22 dual port, copper adapter SysKonnect SK-9S81 single port, multimode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9S82 dual port, multimode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9S91 single port, single mode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9S92 dual port, single mode fiber adapter SysKonnect SK-9E21D single port, copper adapter The Yukon-2 88E802x, 88E805x, 88E806x, and 88E807x also support jumbo frames. ...

MVNETA(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Ifmedia, Mii, Ifconfig, Eephy, Hostname.if, Mvneta

MVNETA(4) - Device Drivers Manual # MVNETA(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # mvneta, mvmdio - Marvell ARMADA Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # mvmdio* at fdt? mvneta* at fdt? eephy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The mvneta driver provides support for the Ethernet controller on the Marvell ARMADA 37x, 38x and 37xx series SoCs. Access to the MDIO bus is provided by the mvmdio driver. For more information on configuring this device, see ifconfig(8). ...

NFE(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Atphy, Arp, Ifmedia, Netintro, Brgphy, Rgephy, Icsphy, Ifconfig, Rlphy, Ciphy, Eephy, Hostname.if, Nfe

NFE(4) - Device Drivers Manual # NFE(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # nfe - NVIDIA nForce MCP 10/100/1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # nfe* at pci? atphy* at mii? brgphy* at mii? ciphy* at mii? eephy* at mii? icsphy* at mii? rgephy* at mii? rlphy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The nfe driver supports Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the NVIDIA nForce Media and Communications Processors (MCP), the nForce, nForce 2, nForce 3, CK804, MCP04, MCP51, MCP55, MCP61, MCP65, MCP67, MCP73, MCP77, MCP79 and MCP89 Ethernet controller chips. ...

RE(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Rgephy, Ifconfig, Rlphy, Eephy, Hostname.if, Re

RE(4) - Device Drivers Manual # RE(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # re - Realtek 8139C+/8169/816xS/811xS/8168/810xE 10/100/1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # re* at pci? re* at cardbus? eephy* at mii? rgephy* at mii? rlphy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The re driver provides support for various NICs based on the Realtek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL816xS, RTL811xS, RTL8168 and RTL810xE PCI and PCI Express Ethernet controllers, including the following: Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+) Buffalo LGY-PCI-GT (8169S) Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+) Corega CG-LAPCIGT (8169S) D-Link DGE-528T (8169S) D-Link DGE-530T C1 (8169/8110SB) D-Link DGE-660TD (8169/8110SB) Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S) LevelOne GNC-0105T (8169S) Linksys EG1032v3 (8169S) Netgear GA311 (8169S) Netgear GA511 PC Card (8169) PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. ...

SE(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Atphy, Arp, Ifmedia, Netintro, Brgphy, Ifconfig, Etphy, Rlphy, Eephy, Hostname.if, Se

SE(4) - Device Drivers Manual # SE(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # se - SiS 190/191 10/100/1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # se* at pci? atphy* at mii? brgphy* at mii? eephy* at mii? etphy* at mii? rlphy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The se driver provides support for the SiS190 Fast Ethernet controller integrated into the SiS965L and SiS966L southbridges, and the SiS191 Gigabit controller integrated into the SiS965 and SiS966 southbridges. ...

SK(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Brgphy, Ifconfig, Xmphy, Eephy, Hostname.if, Sk

SK(4) - Device Drivers Manual # SK(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # sk, skc - SysKonnect XMAC II and Marvell Yukon 10/100/1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # skc* at pci? sk* at skc? brgphy* at mii? eephy* at mii? xmphy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The sk driver provides support for SysKonnect GEnesis and Marvell Yukon 88E8001, 88E8003 and 88E8010 based Gigabit Ethernet adapters, including the following: 3Com 3c940 single port, copper adapter 3Com 3c2000-T single port, copper adapter Allied Telesis AT-2916T, copper adapter Belkin F5D5005 v1000, copper adapter D-Link DGE-530T A1, copper adapter D-Link DGE-530T B1, copper adapter Fujitsu PP028GE1U, multimode fiber adapter Fujitsu PP028GE1X, multimode fiber adapter Fujitsu PW008GE1U, copper adapter Fujitsu PW008GE1X, copper adapter Linksys EG1032v2, copper adapter Linksys EG1064v2, copper adapter SMC 9452TX, copper adapter SysKonnect SK-9521 V2. ...

STGE(4) - Device Drivers Manual

Intro, Pci, Ifmedia, Arp, Netintro, Gentbi, Ipgphy, Mii, Ifconfig, Eephy, Hostname.if, Stge

STGE(4) - Device Drivers Manual # STGE(4) - Device Drivers Manual NAME # stge - Sundance/Tamarack TC9021 1Gb Ethernet device SYNOPSIS # stge* at pci? eephy* at mii? gentbi* at mii? ipgphy* at mii? DESCRIPTION # The stge device driver supports the Sundance/Tamarack TC9021 Gigabit Ethernet chip. The Sundance/Tamarack TC9021 chip is found on adapters such as the following: Allied Telesis CentreCOM LA1000-PCI-T Antares Microsystems TC9021 Asus NX1101 D-Link DGE-550T It uses an external PHY or an external 10-bit interface. ...