DB(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide DB(3p)
DB(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide DB(3p) # DB(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide DB(3p) NNAAMMEE # DB - programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # package CLIENT; use DB; @ISA = qw(DB); # these (inherited) methods can be called by the client CLIENT->register() # register a client package name CLIENT->done() # de-register from the debugging API CLIENT->skippkg('hide::hide') # ask DB not to stop in this package CLIENT->cont([WHERE]) # run some more (until BREAK or # another breakpointt) CLIENT->step() # single step CLIENT->next() # step over CLIENT->ret() # return from current subroutine CLIENT->backtrace() # return the call stack description CLIENT->ready() # call when client setup is done CLIENT->trace_toggle() # toggle subroutine call trace mode CLIENT->subs([SUBS]) # return subroutine information CLIENT->files() # return list of all files known to DB CLIENT->lines() # return lines in currently loaded file CLIENT->loadfile(FILE,LINE) # load a file and let other clients know CLIENT->lineevents() # return info on lines with actions CLIENT->set_break([WHERE],[COND]) CLIENT->set_tbreak([WHERE]) CLIENT->clr_breaks([LIST]) CLIENT->set_action(WHERE,ACTION) CLIENT->clr_actions([LIST]) CLIENT->evalcode(STRING) # eval STRING in executing code's context CLIENT->prestop([STRING]) # execute in code context before stopping CLIENT->poststop([STRING])# execute in code context before resuming # These methods will be called at the appropriate times. ...