CVS(1) General Commands Manual CVS(1) # CVS(1) General Commands Manual CVS(1)
NNAAMMEE # cvs - Concurrent Versions System SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # ccvvss [ _c_v_s___o_p_t_i_o_n_s ] _c_v_s___c_o_m_m_a_n_d [ _c_o_m_m_a_n_d___o_p_t_i_o_n_s ] [ _c_o_m_m_a_n_d___a_r_g_s ] NNOOTTEE # This manpage is a summary of some of the features of ccvvss but for more in- depth documentation, consult the Cederqvist manual (as described in the SEE ALSO section of this manpage). DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # CVS is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc.
cvs(5) File Formats Manual cvs(5) # cvs(5) File Formats Manual cvs(5)
NNAAMMEE # cvs - Concurrent Versions System support files SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//ccoommmmiittiinnffoo,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//ccvvssiiggnnoorree,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//ccvvsswwrraappppeerrss,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//eeddiittiinnffoo,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//hhiissttoorryy $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//llooggiinnffoo,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//mmoodduulleess,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//rrccssiinnffoo,,vv $$CCVVSSRROOOOTT//CCVVSSRROOOOTT//ttaaggiinnffoo,,vv DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # ccvvss is a system for providing source control to hierarchical collections of source directories. Commands and procedures for using ccvvss are described in ccvvss(11). ccvvss manages _s_o_u_r_c_e _r_e_p_o_s_i_t_o_r_i_e_s, the directories containing master copies of the revision-controlled files, by copying particular revisions of the files to (and modifications back from) developers' private _w_o_r_k_i_n_g _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s.
CVSINTRO(7) - Miscellaneous Information Manual # CVSINTRO(7) - Miscellaneous Information Manual
NAME # cvsintro - introduction to Concurrent Versioning System
DESCRIPTION # Concurrent Versions System is a popular open source version control system. Although it is mostly used to track changes to software source code for development teams, there are very few limitations to the kind of data that can be managed by the system, and it can be used for document archival purposes as well.
IDENT(1) - General Commands Manual # IDENT(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # ident - identify RCS keyword strings in files
SYNOPSIS # ident [-qV] [file …]
DESCRIPTION # The ident program searches for the pattern $keyword:… $ from the files specified as argument (or standard input if none are given). See the KEYWORD SUBSTITUTION section of rcs(1) for more information.
The following options are supported:
Quiet mode: suppress warnings if no pattern found.
PORTIMPORT(1) - General Commands Manual # PORTIMPORT(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # portimport - import a new port to the ports cvs repository
SYNOPSIS # portimport [-p portsdir] [-u username]
DESCRIPTION # portimport is used to import the directories and files of a new port to the OpenBSD ports cvs(1) repository, avoiding common mistakes. It has to be executed from within the new port’s directory.
portimport calls the portcheck(1) internally to verify that directory and file structure for a port is in place and that no bogus files exist, and also to detect the PKGPATH for a port.
RCS(1) - General Commands Manual # RCS(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # rcs - RCS file management program
SYNOPSIS # rcs [-IiLqTUV] [-A‌oldfile] [-a‌users] [-b[rev]] [-c‌string] [-e[users]] [-k‌mode] [-l[rev]] [-m‌rev:msg] [-o‌rev] [-t[str]] [-u[rev]] [-x‌suffixes] file …
DESCRIPTION # Revision Control System (RCS) is a software tool which lets people manage multiple revisions of text that is revised frequently, such as source code or documentation.
The rcs program is used to create RCS files or manipulate the contents of existing files.
RCSFILE(5) - File Formats Manual # RCSFILE(5) - File Formats Manual
NAME # rcsfile - format of an RCS file
DESCRIPTION # An RCS file is a text file. It consists of four sections, each separated by two empty lines. RCS files should not be edited by hand; the rcs(1) programs should be used instead.
Administrative data # The RCS file begins with admin data. Each entry in this section consists of either one or multiple values.
RELEASE(8) - System Manager’s Manual # RELEASE(8) - System Manager’s Manual
NAME # release - building an OpenBSD release
DESCRIPTION # There are several steps necessary to build a release:
Update sources. Build and install a new kernel. Build a new base system. Make and validate the base system release. Build and install Xenocara. Make and validate the Xenocara release. Create boot and installation disk images. Make the third party packages.
UPDATE-PATCHES(1) - General Commands Manual # UPDATE-PATCHES(1) - General Commands Manual
NAME # update-patches - create or update patches for a given port
SYNOPSIS # update-patches
DESCRIPTION # update-patches is a helper script for the target update-patches in It takes no argument, but uses quite a few environment variables as implicit parameters.
update-patches looks under WRKDIST for patched files. Those are files with extension PATCHORIG, except for those matching also DISTORIG.