autodie::exception::system(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide
autodie::exception::system(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide # autodie::exception::system(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide NNAAMMEE # autodie::exception::system - Exceptions from autodying system(). SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # eval { use autodie qw(system); system($cmd, @args); }; if (my $E = $@) { say "Ooops! ",$E->caller," had problems: $@"; } DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN # This is a autodie::exception class for failures from the "system" command. Presently there is no way to interrogate an "autodie::exception::system" object for the command, exit status, and other information you'd expect such an object to hold. ...