scr_dump(5) File formats scr_dump(5)

scr_dump(5) File formats scr_dump(5) #

scr_dump(5) File formats scr_dump(5)


 scr_dump - format of curses screen-dumps.




 The curses library provides applications with the ability to write the
 contents of a window to an external file using ssccrr__dduummpp or ppuuttwwiinn, and
 read it back using ssccrr__rreessttoorree or ggeettwwiinn.

 The ppuuttwwiinn and ggeettwwiinn functions do the work; while ssccrr__dduummpp and
 ssccrr__rreessttoorree conveniently save and restore the whole screen, i.e., ssttddssccrr.

nnccuurrsseess66 A longstanding implementation of screen-dump was revised with ncurses6 to remedy problems with the earlier approach:

 •   A “magic number” is written to the beginning of the dump file,
     allowing applications (such as ffiillee(1)) to recognize curses dump

     Because ncurses6 uses a new format, that requires a new magic number
     was unused by other applications.  This 16-bit number was unused:

         0x8888 (octal “\210\210”)

     but to be more certain, this 32-bit number was chosen:

         0x88888888 (octal “\210\210\210\210”)

     This is the pattern submitted to the maintainers of the ffiillee program:

         # ncurses5 (and before) did not use a magic number,
         # making screen dumps "data".
         # ncurses6 (2015) uses this format, ignoring byte-order
         0    string    \210\210\210\210ncurses    ncurses6 screen image

 •   The screen dumps are written in textual form, so that internal data
     sizes are not directly related to the dump-format, and enabling the
     library to read dumps from either narrow- or wide-character-

     The _n_a_r_r_o_w library configuration holds characters and video
     attributes in a 32-bit cchhttyyppee, while the _w_i_d_e_-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r library
     stores this information in the cccchhaarr__tt structure, which is much
     larger than 32-bits.

 •   It is possible to read a screen dump into a terminal with a different
     screen-size, because the library truncates or fills the screen as

 •   The ncurses6 ggeettwwiinn reads the legacy screen dumps from ncurses5.

nnccuurrsseess55 ((lleeggaaccyy)) The screen-dump feature was added to ncurses in June 1995. While there were fixes and improvements in succeeding years, the basic scheme was unchanged:

 •   The WWIINNDDOOWW structure was written in binary form.

 •   The WWIINNDDOOWW structure refers to lines of data, which were written as
     an array of binary data following the WWIINNDDOOWW.

 •   When ggeettwwiinn restored the window, it would keep track of offsets into
     the array of line-data and adjust the WWIINNDDOOWW structure which was read
     back into memory.

 This is similar to Unix SystemV, but does not write a “magic number” to
 identify the file format.


 There is no standard format for ppuuttwwiinn.  This section gives a brief
 description of the existing formats.

XX//OOppeenn CCuurrsseess Refer to _X_/_O_p_e_n _C_u_r_s_e_s_, _I_s_s_u_e _7 (2009).

 X/Open's documentation for _e_n_h_a_n_c_e_d _c_u_r_s_e_s says only:

    The ggeettwwiinn((  )) function reads window-related data stored in the file by
    _p_u_t_w_i_n_(_ _).  The function then creates and initializes a new window
    using that data.

    The ppuuttwwiinn((  )) function writes all data associated with _w_i_n into the
    ssttddiioo(3) stream to which _f_i_l_e_p points, using an uunnssppeecciiffiieedd ffoorrmmaatt.
    This information can be retrieved later using ggeettwwiinn((  )).

 In the mid-1990s when the X/Open Curses document was written, there were
 still systems using older, less capable curses libraries (aside from the
 BSD curses library which was not relevant to X/Open because it did not
 meet the criteria for _b_a_s_e _c_u_r_s_e_s).  The document explained the term
 “enhanced” as follows:

    •   Shading is used to identify _X_/_O_p_e_n _E_n_h_a_n_c_e_d _C_u_r_s_e_s material,
        relating to interfaces included to provide enhanced capabilities
        for applications originally written to be compiled on systems
        based on the UNIX operating system.  Therefore, the features
        described may not be present on systems that conform to XXPPGG44 oorr ttoo
        eeaarrlliieerr XXPPGG rreelleeaasseess.  The relevant reference pages may provide
        additional or more specific portability warnings about use of the

 In the foregoing, emphasis was added to uunnssppeecciiffiieedd ffoorrmmaatt and to XXPPGG44 oorr
 ttoo eeaarrlliieerr XXPPGG rreelleeaasseess, for clarity.

UUnniixx SSyysstteemmVV Unix SystemV curses identified the file format by writing a “magic number” at the beginning of the dump. The WWIINNDDOOWW data and the lines of text follow, all in binary form.

 The Solaris curses source has these definitions:

     /* terminfo magic number */
     #define MAGNUM  0432

     /* curses screen dump magic number */
     #define SVR2_DUMP_MAGIC_NUMBER  0433
     #define SVR3_DUMP_MAGIC_NUMBER  0434

 That is, the feature was likely introduced in SVr2 (1984), and improved
 in SVr3 (1987).  The Solaris curses source has no magic number for SVr4
 (1989).  Other operating systems (AIX and HPUX) use a magic number which
 would correspond to this definition:

     /* curses screen dump magic number */
     #define SVR4_DUMP_MAGIC_NUMBER  0435

 That octal number in bytes is 001, 035.  Because most Unix vendors use
 big-endian hardware, the magic number is written with the high-order byte
 first, e.g.,

      01 35

 After the magic number, the WWIINNDDOOWW structure and line-data are written in
 binary format.  While the magic number used by the Unix systems can be
 seen using oodd(1), none of the Unix systems documents the format used for

 The Unix systems do not use identical formats.  While collecting
 information for for this manual page, the _s_a_v_e_s_c_r_e_e_n test-program
 produced dumps of different size (all on 64-bit hardware, on 40x80

 •   AIX (51817 bytes)

 •   HPUX (90093 bytes)

 •   Solaris 10 (13273 bytes)

 •   ncurses5 (12888 bytes)

SSoollaarriiss As noted above, Solaris curses has no magic number corresponding to SVr4 curses. This is odd since Solaris was the first operating system to pass the SVr4 guidelines. Solaris has two versions of curses:

 •   The default curses library uses the SVr3 magic number.

 •   There is an alternate curses library in //uussrr//xxppgg44.  This uses a
     textual format with no magic number.

     According to the copyright notice, the _x_p_g_4 Solaris curses library
     was developed by MKS (Mortice Kern Systems) from 1990 to 1995.

     Like ncurses6, there is a file-header with parameters.  Unlike
     ncurses6, the contents of the window are written piecemeal, with
     coordinates and attributes for each chunk of text rather than writing
     the whole window from top to bottom.

PPDDCCuurrsseess PDCurses added support for screen dumps in version 2.7 (2005). Like Unix SystemV and ncurses5, it writes the WWIINNDDOOWW structure in binary, but begins the file with its three-byte identifier “PDC”, followed by a one- byte version, e.g.,

“PDC\001” #

NNeettBBSSDD As of April 2017, NetBSD curses does not support ssccrr__dduummpp and ssccrr__rreessttoorree (or ssccrr__iinniitt, ssccrr__sseett), although it has ppuuttwwiinn and ggeettwwiinn.

 Like ncurses5, NetBSD ppuuttwwiinn does not identify its dumps with a useful
 magic number.  It writes

 •   the curses shared library major and minor versions as the first two
     bytes (e.g., 7 and 1),

 •   followed by a binary dump of the WWIINNDDOOWW,

 •   some data for wide-characters referenced by the WWIINNDDOOWW structure, and

 •   finally, lines as done by other implementations.


 Given a simple program which writes text to the screen (and for the sake
 of example, limiting the screen-size to 10x20):

     #include <curses.h>

         init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
         init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
         move(4, 5);
         move(5, 5);
         attrset(A_REVERSE | COLOR_PAIR(2));
         return 0;

 When run using ncurses6, the output looks like this:

     \210\210\210\210ncurses 6.0.20170415

 The first four octal escapes are actually nonprinting characters, while
 the remainder of the file is printable text.  You may notice:

 •   The actual color pair values are not written to the file.

 •   All characters are shown in printable form; spaces are “\s” to ensure
     they are not overlooked.

 •   Attributes are written in escaped curly braces, e.g., “\{BOLD}”, and
     may include a color-pair (C1 or C2 in this example).

 •   The parameters in the header are written out only if they are
     nonzero.  When reading back, order does not matter.

 Running the same program with Solaris _x_p_g_4 curses gives this dump:

MAX=10,20 #

BEG=0,0 #

SCROLL=0,10 #

VMIN=1 #



FG=0,0 #

BG=0,0, #


CUR=11,5 #

 Solaris ggeettwwiinn requires that all parameters are present, and in the same
 order.  The _x_p_g_4 curses library does not know about the bbccee (back color
 erase) capability, and does not color the window background.

 On the other hand, the SVr4 curses library does know about the background
 color.  However, its screen dumps are in binary.  Here is the
 corresponding dump (using “od -t x1”):

     0000000 1c 01 c3 d6 f3 58 05 00 0b 00 0a 00 14 00 00 00
     0000020 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
     0000040 00 00 b8 1a 06 08 cc 1a 06 08 00 00 09 00 10 00
     0000060 00 00 00 80 00 00 20 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 00
     0000100 ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00
     0000120 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00
     0000620 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 48 80 00 04
     0000640 65 80 00 04 6c 80 00 04 6c 80 00 04 6f 80 00 04
     0000660 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00
     0000740 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 57 00 81 00
     0000760 6f 00 81 00 72 00 81 00 6c 00 81 00 64 00 81 00
     0001000 21 00 81 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00
     0001020 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00
     0001540 20 80 00 00 20 80 00 00 00 00 f6 d1 01 00 f6 d1
     0001560 08 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07
     0001600 00 04 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
     0001620 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


 ccuurrss__ssccrr__dduummpp(3), ccuurrss__uuttiill(3).


 Thomas E. Dickey
 extended screen-dump format for ncurses 6.0 (2015)

 Eric S. Raymond
 screen dump feature in ncurses 1.9.2d (1995)

ncurses 6.4 2023-07-01 scr_dump(5)