IKED.CONF(5) - File Formats Manual #
IKED.CONF(5) - File Formats Manual
iked.conf - IKEv2 configuration file
iked.conf is the configuration file for iked(8), the Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) daemon for IPsec. IPsec itself is a pair of protocols: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), which provides integrity and confidentiality; and Authentication Header (AH), which provides integrity. The IPsec protocol itself is described in ipsec(4).
In its most basic form, a flow is established between hosts and/or networks, and then Security Associations (SA) are established, which detail how the desired protection will be achieved. IPsec uses flows to determine whether to apply security services to an IP packet or not. iked(8) is used to set up flows and establish SAs automatically, by specifying ‘ikev2’ policies in iked.conf (see AUTOMATIC KEYING POLICIES, below).
Alternative methods of setting up flows and SAs are also possible using manual keying or automatic keying using the older ISAKMP/Oakley a.k.a. IKEv1 protocol. Manual keying is not recommended, but can be convenient for quick setups and testing. See ipsec.conf(5) and isakmpd(8) for more information about manual keying and ISAKMP support.
iked.conf is divided into three main sections:
User-defined macros may be defined and used later, simplifying the configuration file.
Global Configuration
Global settings for iked(8).
Automatic Keying Policies
Policies to set up IPsec flows and SAs automatically.
Lines beginning with ‘#’ and empty lines are regarded as comments, and ignored. Lines may be split using the ‘\’ character.
Argument names not beginning with a letter, digit, or underscore must be quoted.
Addresses can be specified in CIDR notation (matching netblocks), as symbolic host names, interface names, or interface group names.
Additional configuration files can be included with the include keyword, for example:
include "/etc/macros.conf"
Certain parameters can be expressed as lists, in which case iked(8) generates all the necessary flow combinations. For example:
ikev2 esp proto { tcp, udp } \
from to \
Macros can be defined that will later be expanded in context. Macro names must start with a letter, digit, or underscore, and may contain any of those characters. Macro names may not be reserved words (for example flow, from, esp). Macros are not expanded inside quotes.
For example:
remote_gw = ""
ikev2 esp from to peer $remote_gw
Here are the settings that can be set globally:
set active
Set iked(8) to global active mode. In active mode the per-policy mode setting is respected. iked(8) will initiate policies set to active and wait for incoming requests for policies set to passive. This is the default.
set passive
Set iked(8) to global passive mode. In passive mode no packets are sent to peers and no connections are initiated by iked(8), even for active policies. This option is used for setups using sasyncd(8) and carp(4) to provide redundancy. iked(8) will run in passive mode until sasyncd has determined that the host is the master and can switch to active mode.
set couple
Load the negotiated security associations (SAs) and flows into the kernel. This is the default.
set decouple
Don’t load the negotiated SAs and flows from the kernel. This mode is only useful for testing and debugging.
set dpd_check_interval time
Specify the liveness check interval, in seconds. Setting time to 0 disables DPD. The default value is 60 seconds.
set enforcesingleikesa
Allow only a single active IKE SA for each dstid. When a new SA with the same dstid is established, it replaces the old SA.
set noenforcesingleikesa
Don’t limit the number of IKE SAs per dstid. This is the default.
set fragmentation
Enable IKEv2 Message Fragmentation (RFC 7383) support. This allows IKEv2 to operate in environments that might block IP fragments.
set nofragmentation
Disables IKEv2 Message Fragmentation support. This is the default.
set mobike
Enable MOBIKE (RFC 4555) support. This is the default. MOBIKE allows the peer IP address to be changed for IKE and IPsec SAs. Currently iked(8) only supports MOBIKE when acting as a responder.
set nomobike
Disables MOBIKE support.
set cert_partial_chain
Allow partial certificate chain if at least one certificate is a trusted CA from /etc/iked/ca/.
set ocsp URL [tolerate time [maxage time]]
Enable OCSP and set the fallback URL of the OCSP responder. This fallback will be used if the trusted CA from /etc/iked/ca/ does not have an OCSP-URL extension. The matching responder certificates have to be placed in /etc/iked/ocsp/responder.crt.
The optional tolerate parameter specifies how much the OCSP response attribute ’thisUpdate' may be in the future and how much ’nextUpdate' may be in the past, with respect to the local time. The optional maxage parameter specifies how much ’thisUpdate' may be in the past. If tolerate is set to 0 then the times are not verified at all. This is the default setting.
set vendorid
Send OpenIKED Vendor ID payload. This is the default.
set novendorid
Don’t send a Vendor ID payload.
user name password
iked(8) supports user-based authentication by tunneling the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) over IKEv2. In its most basic form, the users will be authenticated against a local, integrated password database that is configured with the user lines in iked.conf and the name and password arguments. The password has to be specified in plain text which is required to support different challenge-based EAP methods like EAP-MD5 or EAP-MSCHAPv2.
This section is used to configure policies that will be used by iked(8) to set up flows and SAs automatically. Some examples of setting up automatic keying:
# Set up a VPN:
# First between the gateway machines and
# Second between the networks and
ikev2 esp from to
ikev2 esp from to peer
For incoming connections from remote peers, the policies are evaluated in sequential order, from first to last. The last matching policy decides what action is taken; if no policy matches the connection, the default action is to ignore the connection attempt or to use the default policy, if set. See the EXAMPLES section for a detailed example of the policy evaluation.
The first time an IKEv2 connection matches a policy, an IKE SA is created; for subsequent packets the connection is identified by the IKEv2 parameters that are stored in the SA without evaluating any policies. After the connection is closed or times out, the IKE SA is automatically removed.
The commands are as follows:
ikev2 [name]
The mandatory ikev2 keyword will identify an IKEv2 automatic keying policy. name is an optional arbitrary string identifying the policy. The name should only occur once in iked.conf or any included files. If omitted, a name will be generated automatically for the policy.
The eval option modifies the policy evaluation for this policy. It can be one of quick, skip or default. If a new incoming connection matches a policy with the quick option set, that policy is considered the last matching policy, and evaluation of subsequent policies is skipped. The skip option will disable evaluation of this policy for incoming connections. The default option sets the default policy and should only be specified once.
mode specifies the IKEv2 mode to use: one of passive or active. When passive is specified, iked(8) will not immediately start negotiation of this tunnel, but wait for an incoming request from the remote peer. When active is specified, negotiation will be started at once. If omitted, passive mode will be used.
The keyword ipcomp specifies that ipcomp(4), the IP Payload Compression protocol, is negotiated in addition to encapsulation. The optional compression is applied before packets are encapsulated. IPcomp must be enabled in the kernel:
# sysctl net.inet.ipcomp.enable=1
tmode describes the encapsulation mode to be used. Possible modes are tunnel and transport; the default is tunnel.
encap specifies the encapsulation protocol to be used. Possible protocols are esp and ah; the default is esp.
This policy only applies to endpoints of the specified address family which can be either inet or inet6. This only matters for IKEv2 endpoints and does not restrict the traffic selectors to negotiate flows with different address families, e.g. IPv6 flows negotiated by IPv4 endpoints.
proto protocol
proto { protocol … }
The optional proto parameter restricts the flow to a specific IP protocol. Common protocols are icmp(4), tcp(4), and udp(4). For a list of all the protocol name to number mappings used by iked(8), see the file /etc/protocols.
Multiple protocol entries can be specified, separated by commas or whitespace, if enclosed in curly brackets:
proto { tcp, udp }
rdomain number
Specify a different routing domain for unencrypted traffic. The resulting IPsec SAs will match outgoing packets in the specified rdomain number and move the encrypted packets to the rdomain the iked(8) instance is running in. Vice versa, incoming ipsec(4) traffic is moved to rdomain number after decryption.
from src [port sport] [(srcnat)] to dst [port dport]
Specify one or more traffic selectors for this policy which will be used to negotiate the IPsec flows between the IKEv2 peers. During the negotiation, the peers may decide to narrow a flow to a subset of the configured traffic selector networks to match the policies on each side.
Each traffic selector will apply for packets with source address src and destination address dst. If the src argument specifies a fictional source ID, the srcnat parameter can be used to specify the actual source address. This can be used in outgoing NAT/BINAT scenarios as described below. The keyword any will match any address (i.e. and ::/0). If the config address option is specified, the dynamic keyword can be used to create flows from or to the dynamically assigned address.
The optional port modifiers restrict the traffic selectors to the specified ports. They are only valid in conjunction with the tcp(4) and udp(4) protocols. Ports can be specified by number or by name. For a list of all port name to number mappings used by ipsecctl(8), see the file /etc/services.
local localip peer remote
The local parameter specifies the address or FQDN of the local endpoint. Unless the gateway is multi-homed or uses address aliases, this option is generally not needed.
The peer parameter specifies the address or FQDN of the remote endpoint. For host-to-host connections where dst is identical to remote, this option is generally not needed as it will be set to dst automatically. If it is not specified or if the keyword any is given, the default peer is used.
ikesa auth algorithm enc algorithm prf algorithm group group
These parameters define the mode and cryptographic transforms to be used for the IKE SA negotiation, also known as phase 1. The IKE SA will be used to authenticate the machines and to set up an encrypted channel for the IKEv2 protocol.
Possible values for auth, enc, prf, group, and the default proposals are described below in CRYPTO TRANSFORMS. If omitted, iked(8) will use the default proposals for the IKEv2 protocol.
The keyword ikesa can be used multiple times as a delimiter between IKE SA proposals. The order of the proposals depend on the order in the configuration. The keywords auth, enc, prf and group can be used multiple times within a single proposal to configure multiple crypto transforms.
childsa auth algorithm enc algorithm group group esn
These parameters define the cryptographic transforms to be used for the Child SA negotiation, also known as phase 2. Each Child SA will be used to negotiate the actual IPsec SAs. The initial Child SA is always negotiated with the initial IKEv2 key exchange; additional Child SAs may be negotiated with additional Child SA key exchanges for an established IKE SA.
Possible values for auth, enc, group, esn, and the default proposals are described below in CRYPTO TRANSFORMS. If omitted, iked(8) will use the default proposals for the ESP or AH protocol.
The group option will only be used to enable Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for additional Child SAs exchanges that are not part of the initial key exchange.
The keyword childsa can be used multiple times as a delimiter between Child SA proposals. The order of the proposals depend on the order in the configuration. The keywords auth, enc and group can be used multiple times within a single proposal to configure multiple crypto transforms.
srcid string dstid string
srcid defines an ID of type “FQDN”, “ASN1_DN”, “IPV4”, “IPV6”, or “UFQDN” that will be used by iked(8) as the identity of the local peer. If the argument is an email address (reyk@example.com), iked(8) will use UFQDN as the ID type. The ASN1_DN type will be used if the string starts with a slash ‘/’ (/C=DE/../CN= If the argument is an IPv4 address or a compressed IPv6 address, the ID types IPV4 or IPV6 will be used. Anything else is considered to be an FQDN.
If srcid is omitted, the default is to use the hostname of the local machine, see hostname(1) to set or print the hostname.
dstid is similar to srcid, but instead specifies the ID to be used by the remote peer.
ikelifetime time
The optional ikelifetime parameter defines the IKE SA expiration timeout by the time SA was created. A zero value disables active IKE SA rekeying. This is the default.
The accepted format of the time specification is described below.
lifetime time [bytes bytes]
The optional lifetime parameter defines the Child SA expiration timeout by the time SA was in use and by the number of bytes that were processed using the SA. Default values are 3 hours and 4 gigabytes which means that SA will be rekeyed before reaching the time limit or 4 gigabytes of data will pass through. Zero values disable rekeying.
Several unit specifiers are recognized (ignoring case): ‘
’ and ‘h
’ for minutes and hours, and ‘K
’, ‘M
’ and ‘G
’ for kilo-, mega- and gigabytes accordingly.
Rekeying must happen at least several times a day as IPsec security heavily depends on frequent key renewals.
Specify a method to be used to authenticate the remote peer.
will automatically determine a method based on public keys or certificates
configured for the peer.
can be used to override this behaviour.
Non-psk modes will require setting up certificates and RSA or ECDSA public
keys; see
for more information.
**eap** *type*
Use EAP to authenticate the initiator.
The only supported EAP
is currently
The responder will use RSA public key authentication.
Use ECDSA with a 256-bit elliptic curve key and SHA2-256 for authentication.
Use ECDSA with a 384-bit elliptic curve key and SHA2-384 for authentication.
Use ECDSA with a 521-bit elliptic curve key and SHA2-512 for authentication.
**psk** *string*
Use a pre-shared key
or hex value (starting with 0x) for authentication.
Only use RFC 7427 signatures for authentication.
RFC 7427 signatures currently only support SHA2-256 as the hash.
Use RSA public key authentication with SHA1 as the hash.
The default is to allow any signature authentication.
config option address
request option address
Request or serve one or more optional configuration payloads (CP).
The configuration
can be one of the following with the expected address format:
**address** *address*
Assign a static address on the internal network.
**address** *address/prefix*
Assign a dynamic address on the internal network.
The address will be assigned from an address pool with the size specified by
**netmask** *netmask*
The IPv4 netmask of the internal network.
**name-server** *address*
The DNS server address within the internal network.
**netbios-server** *address*
The NetBIOS name server (WINS) within the internal network.
This option is provided for compatibility with legacy clients.
**dhcp-server** *address*
The address of an internal DHCP server for further configuration.
**protected-subnet** *address/prefix*
The address of an additional IPv4 or IPv6 subnet reachable over the
This option is used to notify the peer of a subnet behind the gateway (that
might require a second SA).
Networks specified in this SA's "from" or "to" options do not need to be
**access-server** *address*
The address of an internal remote access server.
iface interface
Enable automatic network configuration as initiator.
Received addresses, routes and nameservers will be installed on the specified
tag string
Add a
tag to all packets of IPsec SAs created for this connection.
This will allow matching packets for this connection by defining
rules in
using the
The following variables can be used in tags to include information
from the remote peer on runtime:
that was proposed by the remote peer to identify itself.
It will be expanded to
To limit the size of the derived tag,
will extract the common name
from ASN1_DN IDs, for example
will be expanded to
For a connection using EAP, the identity (username) used by the remote peer.
Extract the domain from IDs of type FQDN, UFQDN or ASN1_DN.
The name of the IKEv2 policy that was configured in
or automatically generated by
For example, if the ID is
expands to
The variable expansion for the
directive occurs only at runtime (not when the file is parsed)
and must be quoted, or it will be interpreted as a macro.
tap interface
Send the decapsulated IPsec traffic to the specified
instead of
for filtering and monitoring.
The traffic will be blocked if the specified
does not exist.
IPsec traffic appears unencrypted on the enc(4) interface and can be filtered accordingly using the OpenBSD packet filter, pf(4). The grammar for the packet filter is described in pf.conf(5).
The following components are relevant to filtering IPsec traffic:
external interface
Interface for IKE traffic and encapsulated IPsec traffic.
proto udp port 500
IKE traffic on the external interface.
proto udp port 4500
IKE NAT-Traversal traffic on the external interface.
proto ah | esp
Encapsulated IPsec traffic
on the external interface.
Default interface for outgoing traffic before it’s been encapsulated,
and incoming traffic after it’s been decapsulated.
State on this interface should be interface bound;
for further information.
proto ipencap
[tunnel mode only]
IP-in-IP traffic flowing between gateways
on the enc0 interface.
tagged ipsec-example.org
Match traffic of IPsec SAs using the
If the filtering rules specify to block everything by default, the following rule would ensure that IPsec traffic never hits the packet filtering engine, and is therefore passed:
set skip on enc0
In the following example, all traffic is blocked by default. IPsec-related traffic from gateways {,} and networks {,} is permitted.
block on ix0 block on enc0
pass in on ix0 proto udp from to
port {500, 4500} pass out on ix0 proto udp from to
port {500, 4500}pass in on ix0 proto esp from to pass out on ix0 proto esp from to
pass in on enc0 proto ipencap from to
keep state (if-bound) pass out on enc0 proto ipencap from to
keep state (if-bound) pass in on enc0 from to
keep state (if-bound) pass out on enc0 from to
keep state (if-bound)
pf(4) has the ability to filter IPsec-related packets based on an arbitrary tag specified within a ruleset. The tag is used as an internal marker which can be used to identify the packets later on. This could be helpful, for example, in scenarios where users are connecting in from differing IP addresses, or to support queue-based bandwidth control, since the enc0 interface does not support it.
The following pf.conf(5) fragment uses queues for all IPsec traffic with special handling for developers and employees:
queue std on ix0 bandwidth 100M queue deflt parent std bandwidth 10M default queue developers parent std bandwidth 75M queue employees parent std bandwidth 5M queue ipsec parent std bandwidth 10M
pass out on ix0 proto esp set queue ipsec
pass out on ix0 tagged ipsec-developers.example.com
set queue developers pass out on ix0 tagged ipsec-employees.example.com
set queue employees
The following example assigns the tags in the iked.conf configuration and also sets an alternative enc(4) device:
ikev2 esp from to peer
tag “ipsec-$domain” tap “enc1”
In some network topologies it is desirable to perform NAT on traffic leaving through the VPN tunnel. In order to achieve that, the src argument is used to negotiate the desired network ID with the peer and the srcnat parameter defines the true local subnet, so that a correct SA can be installed on the local side.
For example, if the local subnet is and all the traffic for a specific VPN peer should appear as coming from, the following configuration is used:
ikev2 esp from ( to
Naturally, a relevant NAT rule is required in pf.conf(5). For the example above, this would be:
match out on enc0 from to
From the peer’s point of view, the local end of the VPN tunnel is declared to be and all the traffic arrives with that source address.
The following authentication types are permitted with the auth keyword:
Authentication Key Length Truncated Length Default
128 bits 96 bitshmac-sha1
160 bits 96 bits xhmac-sha2-256
256 bits 128 bits xhmac-sha2-384
384 bits 192 bits xhmac-sha2-512
512 bits 256 bits x
The following pseudo-random function types are permitted with the prf keyword:
PRF Key Length Default
128 bits [IKE only]hmac-sha1
160 bits x [IKE only]hmac-sha2-256
256 bits x [IKE only]hmac-sha2-384
384 bits x [IKE only]hmac-sha2-512
512 bits x [IKE only]
The following cipher types are permitted with the enc keyword:
Cipher Key Length Default
168 bits xaes-128
128 bits xaes-192
192 bits xaes-256
256 bits xaes-128-ctr
160 bits [ESP only]aes-192-ctr
224 bits [ESP only]aes-256-ctr
288 bits [ESP only]aes-128-gcm
160 bits xaes-192-gcm
224 bits [ESP only]aes-256-gcm
288 bits xaes-128-gcm-12
160 bits [IKE only]aes-256-gcm-12
288 bits [IKE only]blowfish
160 bits [ESP only]cast
128 bits [ESP only]chacha20-poly1305
288 bits [ESP only]
The following cipher types provide only authentication, not encryption:
160 bits [ESP only]aes-192-gmac
224 bits [ESP only]aes-256-gmac
288 bits [ESP only]null
[ESP only]
The Extended Sequence Numbers option can be enabled or disabled with the esn or noesn keywords:
ESN Default **
x [ESP only]noesn
x [ESP only]
Transforms followed by [IKE only] can only be used with the ikesa keyword, transforms with [ESP only] can only be used with the childsa keyword.
Using AES-GMAC or NULL with ESP will only provide authentication. This is useful in setups where AH cannot be used, e.g. when NAT is involved.
The following group types are permitted with the group keyword:
Name Group Size Type Default
grp1 768 MODP [insecure]modp1024
grp2 1024 MODP x [weak]modp1536
grp5 1536 MODP x [weak]modp2048
grp14 2048 MODP xmodp3072
grp15 3072 MODP xmodp4096
grp16 4096 MODP xmodp6144
grp17 6144 MODPmodp8192
grp18 8192 MODPecp256
grp19 256 ECP xecp384
grp20 384 ECP xecp521
grp21 521 ECP xecp192
grp25 192 ECPecp224
grp26 224 ECPbrainpool224
grp27 224 ECPbrainpool256
grp28 256 ECPbrainpool384
grp29 384 ECPbrainpool512
grp30 512 ECPcurve25519
grp31 256 Curve25519 xsntrup761x25519
1190 B Hybrid PQKE
The currently supported group types are either MODP (exponentiation groups modulo a prime), ECP (elliptic curve groups modulo a prime), or Curve25519. MODP groups of less than 2048 bits are considered as weak or insecure (see RFC 8247 section 2.4) and only provided for backwards compatibility.
The first example is intended for a server with clients connecting to iked(8) as an IPsec gateway, or IKEv2 responder, using mutual public key authentication and additional challenge-based EAP-MSCHAPv2 password authentication:
user “test” “password123”
ikev2 “win7” esp
from dynamic to
peer local
eap “mschap-v2”
config address
tag “$name-$id”
The next example allows peers to authenticate using a pre-shared key ‘foobar’:
ikev2 “big test”
esp proto tcp
from port 23 to port 40
from to
peer any local any
enc aes-128-gcm
group ecp256 group curve25519
enc aes-128 auth hmac-sha2-256
group ecp256 group curve25519
childsa enc aes-128-gcm
childsa enc aes-128 auth hmac-sha2-256
srcid host.example.com
psk “foobar”
The following example illustrates the last matching policy evaluation for incoming connections on an IKEv2 gateway. The peer will always match the first policy because of the quick keyword; connections from the peers and will be matched by one of the last two policies; any other connections from will be matched by the ‘subnet’ policy; and any other connection will be matched by the ‘catch all’ policy.
ikev2 quick esp from to
peer ikev2 “catch all” esp from to
peer any ikev2 “subnet” esp from to
peer ikev2 esp from to peer ikev2 esp from to peer
This example encrypts a gre(4) tunnel from local machine A (2001:db8::aa:1) to peer D (2001:db8::dd:4) based on FQDN-based public key authentication; transport mode avoids double encapsulation:
ikev2 transport
proto gre
from 2001:db8::aa:1 to 2001:db8::dd:4
peer D.example.com
enc(4), ipsec(4), ipsec.conf(5), pf.conf(5), ikectl(8), iked(8)
The iked.conf file format first appeared in OpenBSD 4.8.
The iked(8) program was written by Reyk Floeter <reyk@openbsd.org>.
OpenBSD 7.5 - July 22, 2022