ext::XS-APItest::APItest(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide

ext::XS-APItest::APItest(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide #

ext::XS-APItest::APItest(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide


 XS::APItest - Test the perl C API


   use XS::APItest;

   use XS::APItest qw(rpn calcrpn);
   $triangle = rpn($n $n 1 + * 2 /);
   calcrpn $triangle { $n $n 1 + * 2 / }


 This module tests the perl C API. Also exposes various bit of the perl
 internals for the use of core test scripts.


 This module can be used to check that the perl C API is behaving
 correctly. This module provides test functions and an associated test
 script that verifies the output.

 This module is not meant to be installed.


 Exports all the test functions:

     Test that a double-precision floating point number is formatted
     correctly by "printf".

       print_double( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Test that a "long double" is formatted correctly by "printf". Takes
     no arguments - the test value is hard-wired into the function (as


     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Determine whether a "long double" is supported by Perl.  This should
     be used to determine whether to test "print_long_double".

       print_long_double() if have_long_double;

     Test that an "NV" is formatted correctly by "printf".

       print_nv( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Test that an "IV" is formatted correctly by "printf".

       print_iv( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Test that an "UV" is formatted correctly by "printf".

       print_uv( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Test that an "int" is formatted correctly by "printf".

       print_int( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Test that an "long" is formatted correctly by "printf".

       print_long( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Test that a single-precision floating point number is formatted
     correctly by "printf".

       print_float( $val );

     Output is sent to STDOUT.

     Installs a source filter that substitutes "e" for "o" (witheut regard
     fer what it might be medifying).

 ccaallll__ssvv, ccaallll__ppvv, ccaallll__mmeetthhoodd
     These exercise the C calls of the same names. Everything after the
     flags arg is passed as the args to the called function. They return
     whatever the C function itself pushed onto the stack, plus the return
     value from the function; for example

         call_sv( sub { @_, 'c' }, G_LIST,  'a', 'b');
         # returns 'a', 'b', 'c', 3
         call_sv( sub { @_ },      G_SCALAR, 'a', 'b');
         # returns 'b', 1

     Evaluates the passed SV. Result handling is done the same as for
     "call_sv()" etc.

     Exercises the C function of the same name in scalar context. Returns
     the same SV that the C function returns.

     Exercises the C function of the same name. Returns nothing.


 These are not supplied by default, but must be explicitly imported.  They
 are lexically scoped.


     Behaves like $_.

     This construct is a Perl expression.  _E_X_P_R_E_S_S_I_O_N must be an RPN
     arithmetic expression, as described below.  The RPN expression is
     evaluated, and its value is returned as the value of the Perl

     This construct is a complete Perl statement.  (No semicolon should
     follow the closing brace.)  _V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E must be a Perl scalar "my"
     variable, and _E_X_P_R_E_S_S_I_O_N must be an RPN arithmetic expression as
     described below.  The RPN expression is evaluated, and its value is
     assigned to the variable.

RRPPNN eexxpprreessssiioonn ssyynnttaaxx Tokens of an RPN expression may be separated by whitespace, but such separation is usually not required. It is required only where unseparated tokens would look like a longer token. For example, “12 34 +” can be written as “12 34+”, but not as “1234 +”.

 An RPN expression may be any of:

     A sequence of digits is an unsigned decimal literal number.

     An alphanumeric name preceded by dollar sign refers to a Perl scalar
     variable.  Only variables declared with "my" or "state" are
     supported.  If the variable's value is not a native integer, it will
     be converted to an integer, by Perl's usual mechanisms, at the time
     it is evaluated.

_A _B “+” #

     Sum of _A and _B.

_A _B “-” #

     Difference of _A and _B, the result of subtracting _B from _A.

_A _B “*” #

     Product of _A and _B.

_A _B “/” #

     Quotient when _A is divided by _B, rounded towards zero.  Division by
     zero generates an exception.

_A _B “%” #

     Remainder when _A is divided by _B with the quotient rounded towards
     zero.  Division by zero generates an exception.

 Because the arithmetic operators all have fixed arity and are postfixed,
 there is no need for operator precedence, nor for a grouping operator to
 override precedence.  This is half of the point of RPN.

 An RPN expression can also be interpreted in another way, as a sequence
 of operations on a stack, one operation per token.  A literal or variable
 token pushes a value onto the stack.  A binary operator pulls two items
 off the stack, performs a calculation with them, and pushes the result
 back onto the stack.  The stack starts out empty, and at the end of the
 expression there must be exactly one value left on the stack.


 XS::Typemap, perlapi.


 Tim Jenness, <t.jenness@jach.hawaii.edu>, Christian Soeller,
 <csoelle@mph.auckland.ac.nz>, Hugo van der Sanden
 <hv@crypt.compulink.co.uk>, Andrew Main (Zefram) <zefram@fysh.org>


 Copyright (C) 2002,2004 Tim Jenness, Christian Soeller, Hugo van der
 Sanden.  All Rights Reserved.

 Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Main (Zefram) <zefram@fysh.org>

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 ext::XS-APItest::APItest(3p)