Test2::API(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::API(3p)

Test2::API(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::API(3p) #

Test2::API(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Test2::API(3p)


 Test2::API - Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools.


 TThhee iinntteerrnnaallss ooff tthhiiss ppaacckkaaggee aarree ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo cchhaannggee aatt aannyy ttiimmee!! The
 public methods provided will not change in backwards-incompatible ways
 (once there is a stable release), but the underlying implementation
 details might.  DDoo nnoott bbrreeaakk eennccaappssuullaattiioonn hheerree!!

 Currently the implementation is to create a single instance of the
 Test2::API::Instance Object. All class methods defer to the single
 instance. There is no public access to the singleton, and that is
 intentional.  The class methods provided by this package provide the only
 functionality publicly exposed.

 This is done primarily to avoid the problems Test::Builder had by
 exposing its singleton. We do not want anyone to replace this singleton,
 rebless it, or directly muck with its internals. If you need to do
 something and cannot because of the restrictions placed here, then please
 report it as an issue. If possible, we will create a way for you to
 implement your functionality without exposing things that should not be


 This package exports all the functions necessary to write and/or verify
 testing tools. Using these building blocks you can begin writing test
 tools very quickly. You are also provided with tools that help you to
 test the tools you write.



 The "context()" method is your primary interface into the Test2

     package My::Ok;
     use Test2::API qw/context/;

     our @EXPORT = qw/my_ok/;
     use base 'Exporter';

     # Just like ok() from Test::More
     sub my_ok($;$) {
         my ($bool, $name) = @_;
         my $ctx = context(); # Get a context
         $ctx->ok($bool, $name);
         $ctx->release; # Release the context
         return $bool;

 See Test2::API::Context for a list of methods available on the context


 The "intercept { ... }" tool lets you temporarily intercept all events
 generated by the test system:

     use Test2::API qw/intercept/;

     use My::Ok qw/my_ok/;

     my $events = intercept {
         # These events are not displayed
         my_ok(1, "pass");
         my_ok(0, "fail");

 As of version 1.302178 this now returns an arrayref that is also an
 instance of Test2::API::InterceptResult. See the
 Test2::API::InterceptResult documentation for details on how to best use


     use Test2::API qw{

     my $init  = test2_init_done();
     my $stack = test2_stack();
     my $ipc   = test2_ipc();

     my $formatter = test2_formatter();

     ... And others ...


 All exports are optional. You must specify subs to import.

     use Test2::API qw/context intercept run_subtest/;

 This is the list of exports that are most commonly needed. If you are
 simply writing a tool, then this is probably all you need. If you need
 something and you cannot find it here, then you can also look at "OTHER


 These exports lack the 'test2_' prefix because of how important/common
 they are. Exports in the "OTHER API EXPORTS" section have the 'test2_'
 prefix to ensure they stand out.

ccoonntteexxtt((......)) Usage:

 $ctx = ccoonntteexxtt(())
 $ctx = context(%params)

 The "context()" function will always return the current context. If there
 is already a context active, it will be returned. If there is not an
 active context, one will be generated. When a context is generated it
 will default to using the file and line number where the currently
 running sub was called from.

 Please see "CRITICAL DETAILS" in Test2::API::Context for important rules
 about what you can and cannot do with a context once it is obtained.

 NNoottee This function will throw an exception if you ignore the context
 object it returns.

 NNoottee On perls 5.14+ a depth check is used to insure there are no context
 leaks. This cannot be safely done on older perls due to
 <https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=127774> You can
 forcefully enable it either by setting "$ENV{T2_CHECK_DEPTH} = 1" or
 "$Test2::API::DO_DEPTH_CHECK = 1" BBEEFFOORREE loading Test2::API.

_O_P_T_I_O_N_A_L _P_A_R_A_M_E_T_E_R_S #

 All parameters to "context" are optional.

 level => $int
     If you must obtain a context in a sub deeper than your entry point
     you can use this to tell it how many EXTRA stack frames to look back.
     If this option is not provided the default of 0 is used.

         sub third_party_tool {
             my $sub = shift;
             ... # Does not obtain a context

         third_party_tool(sub {
             my $ctx = context(level => 1);

 wrapped => $int
     Use this if you need to write your own tool that wraps a call to
     "context()" with the intent that it should return a context object.

         sub my_context {
             my %params = ( wrapped => 0, @_ );
             my $ctx = context(%params);
             return $ctx;

         sub my_tool {
             my $ctx = my_context();

     If you do not do this, then tools you call that also check for a
     context will notice that the context they grabbed was created at the
     same stack depth, which will trigger protective measures that warn
     you and destroy the existing context.

 stack => $stack
     Normally "context()" looks at the global hub stack. If you are
     maintaining your own Test2::API::Stack instance you may pass it in to
     be used instead of the global one.

 hub => $hub
     Use this parameter if you want to obtain the context for a specific
     hub instead of whatever one happens to be at the top of the stack.

 on_init => sub { ... }
     This lets you provide a callback sub that will be called OONNLLYY if your
     call to "context()" generated a new context. The callback WWIILLLL NNOOTT be
     called if "context()" is returning an existing context. The only
     argument passed into the callback will be the context object itself.

         sub foo {
             my $ctx = context(on_init => sub { 'will run' });

             my $inner = sub {
                 # This callback is not run since we are getting the existing
                 # context from our parent sub.
                 my $ctx = context(on_init => sub { 'will NOT run' });


 on_release => sub { ... }
     This lets you provide a callback sub that will be called when the
     context instance is released. This callback will be added to the
     returned context even if an existing context is returned. If multiple
     calls to context add callbacks, then all will be called in reverse
     order when the context is finally released.

         sub foo {
             my $ctx = context(on_release => sub { 'will run second' });

             my $inner = sub {
                 my $ctx = context(on_release => sub { 'will run first' });

                 # Neither callback runs on this release

             # Both callbacks run here.

rreelleeaassee(($$;;$$)) Usage:

 release $ctx;
 release $ctx, ...;

 This is intended as a shortcut that lets you release your context and
 return a value in one statement. This function will get your context, and
 an optional return value. It will release your context, then return your
 value. Scalar context is always assumed.

     sub tool {
         my $ctx = context();

         return release $ctx, 1;

 This tool is most useful when you want to return the value you get from
 calling a function that needs to see the current context:

     my $ctx = context();
     my $out = some_tool(...);
     return $out;

 We can combine the last 3 lines of the above like so:

     my $ctx = context();
     release $ctx, some_tool(...);

ccoonntteexxtt__ddoo((&&;;@@)) Usage:

     sub my_tool {
         context_do {
             my $ctx = shift;

             my (@args) = @_;

             $ctx->ok(1, "pass");


             # No need to call $ctx->release, done for you on scope exit.
         } @_;

 Using this inside your test tool takes care of a lot of boilerplate for
 you. It will ensure a context is acquired. It will capture and rethrow
 any exception. It will insure the context is released when you are done.
 It preserves the subroutine call context (array, scalar, void).

 This is the safest way to write a test tool. The only two downsides to
 this are a slight performance decrease, and some extra indentation in
 your source. If the indentation is a problem for you then you can take a
 peek at the next section.

nnoo__ccoonntteexxtt((&&;;$$)) Usage:

 no_context { ... };
 no_context { ... } $hid;
         sub my_tool(&) {
             my $code = shift;
             my $ctx = context();

             no_context {
                 # Things in here will not see our current context, they get a new
                 # one.



 This tool will hide a context for the provided block of code. This means
 any tools run inside the block will get a completely new context if they
 acquire one. The new context will be inherited by tools nested below the
 one that acquired it.

 This will normally hide the current context for the top hub. If you need
 to hide the context for a different hub you can pass in the optional $hid

iinntteerrcceepptt((&&)) Usage:

     my $events = intercept {
         ok(1, "pass");
         ok(0, "fail");

 This function takes a codeblock as its only argument, and it has a
 prototype.  It will execute the codeblock, intercepting any generated
 events in the process. It will return an array reference with all the
 generated event objects. All events should be subclasses of Test2::Event.

 As of version 1.302178 the events array that is returned is blssed as an
 Test2::API::InterceptResult instance. Test2::API::InterceptResult
 Provides a helpful interface for filtering and/or inspecting the events
 list overall, or individual events within the list.

 This is intended to help you test your test code. This is not intended
 for people simply writing tests.

rruunn__ssuubbtteesstt((......)) Usage:

     run_subtest($NAME, \&CODE, $BUFFERED, @ARGS)

     # or

     run_subtest($NAME, \&CODE, \%PARAMS, @ARGS)

 This will run the provided codeblock with the args in @args. This
 codeblock will be run as a subtest. A subtest is an isolated test state
 that is condensed into a single Test2::Event::Subtest event, which
 contains all events generated inside the subtest.

_A_R_G_U_M_E_N_T_S_: #


     The name of the subtest.


     The code to run inside the subtest.

     If this is a simple scalar then it will be treated as a boolean for
     the 'buffered' setting. If this is a hash reference then it will be
     used as a parameters hash. The param hash will be used for hub
     construction (with the specified keys removed).

     Keys that are removed and used by run_subtest:

     'buffered' => $bool
         Toggle buffered status.

     'inherit_trace' => $bool
         Normally the subtest hub is pushed and the sub is allowed to
         generate its own root context for the hub. When this setting is
         turned on a root context will be created for the hub that shares
         the same trace as the current context.

         Set this to true if your tool is producing subtests without user-
         specified subs.

     'no_fork' => $bool
         Defaults to off. Normally forking inside a subtest will actually
         fork the subtest, resulting in 2 final subtest events. This
         parameter will turn off that behavior, only the original
         process/thread will return a final subtest event.


     Any extra arguments you want passed into the subtest code.

_B_U_F_F_E_R_E_D _V_S _U_N_B_U_F_F_E_R_E_D _(_O_R _S_T_R_E_A_M_E_D_) #

 Normally all events inside and outside a subtest are sent to the
 formatter immediately by the hub. Sometimes it is desirable to hold off
 sending events within a subtest until the subtest is complete. This
 usually depends on the formatter being used.

 Things not effected by this flag
     In both cases events are generated and stored in an array. This array
     is eventually used to populate the "subevents" attribute on the
     Test2::Event::Subtest event that is generated at the end of the
     subtest.  This flag has no effect on this part, it always happens.

     At the end of the subtest, the final Test2::Event::Subtest event is
     sent to the formatter.

 Things that are effected by this flag
     The "buffered" attribute of the Test2::Event::Subtest event will be
     set to the value of this flag. This means any formatter, listener,
     etc which looks at the event will know if it was buffered.

 Things that are formatter dependant
     Events within a buffered subtest may or may not be sent to the
     formatter as they happen. If a formatter fails to specify then the
     default is to NNOOTT SSEENNDD the events as they are generated, instead the
     formatter can pull them from the "subevents" attribute.

     A formatter can specify by implementing the "hide_buffered()" method.
     If this method returns true then events generated inside a buffered
     subtest will not be sent independently of the final subtest event.

 An example of how this is used is the Test2::Formatter::TAP formatter.
 For unbuffered subtests the events are rendered as they are generated. At
 the end of the subtest, the final subtest event is rendered, but the
 "subevents" attribute is ignored. For buffered subtests the opposite
 occurs, the events are NOT rendered as they are generated, instead the
 "subevents" attribute is used to render them all at once. This is useful
 when running subtests tests in parallel, since without it the output from
 subtests would be interleaved together.


 Exports in this section are not commonly needed. These all have the
 'test2_' prefix to help ensure they stand out. You should look at the
 "MAIN API EXPORTS" section before looking here. This section is one where
 "Great power comes with great responsibility". It is possible to break
 things badly if you are not careful with these.

 All exports are optional. You need to list which ones you want at import

     use Test2::API qw/test2_init_done .../;


 These provide access to internal state and object instances.

 $bool = tteesstt22__iinniitt__ddoonnee(())
     This will return true if the stack and IPC instances have already
     been initialized. It will return false if they have not. Init happens
     as late as possible. It happens as soon as a tool requests the IPC
     instance, the formatter, or the stack.

 $bool = tteesstt22__llooaadd__ddoonnee(())
     This will simply return the boolean value of the loaded flag. If
     Test2 has finished loading this will be true, otherwise false.
     Loading is considered complete the first time a tool requests a

     This is used to toggle Test2's belief that the END phase has already
     started.  With no arguments this will set it to true. With arguments
     it will set it to the first argument's value.

     This is used to prevent the use of "caller()" in END blocks which can
     cause segfaults. This is only necessary in some persistent
     environments that may have multiple END phases.

 $bool = tteesstt22__ggeett__iiss__eenndd(())
     Check if Test2 believes it is the END phase.

 $stack = tteesstt22__ssttaacckk(())
     This will return the global Test2::API::Stack instance. If this has
     not yet been initialized it will be initialized now.

 $bool = tteesstt22__iiss__tteessttiinngg__ddoonnee(())
     This will return true if testing is complete and no other events
     should be sent. This is useful in things like warning handlers where
     you might want to turn warnings into events, but need them to start
     acting like normal warnings when testing is done.

         $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
             my ($warning) = @_;

             if (test2_is_testing_done()) {
                 warn @_;
             else {
                 my $ctx = context();

     Disable IPC.

 $bool = test2_ipc_diabled
     Check if IPC is disabled.

 $bool = tteesstt22__iippcc__wwaaiitt__eennaabblleedd(())
     These can be used to turn IPC waiting on and off, or check the
     current value of the flag.

     Waiting is turned on by default. Waiting will cause the parent
     process/thread to wait until all child processes and threads are
     finished before exiting. You will almost never want to turn this off.

 $bool = tteesstt22__nnoo__wwaaiitt(())
     DDIISSCCOOUURRAAGGEEDD: This is a confusing interface, it is better to use
     "test2_ipc_wait_enable()", "test2_ipc_wait_disable()" and

     This can be used to get/set the no_wait status. Waiting is turned on
     by default. Waiting will cause the parent process/thread to wait
     until all child processes and threads are finished before exiting.
     You will almost never want to turn this off.

 $fh = tteesstt22__ssttddoouutt(())
 $fh = tteesstt22__ssttddeerrrr(())
     These functions return the filehandles that test output should be
     written to.  They are primarily useful when writing a custom
     formatter and code that turns events into actual output (TAP, etc.).
     They will return a dupe of the original filehandles that formatted
     output can be sent to regardless of whatever state the currently
     running test may have left STDOUT and STDERR in.

     Re-dupe the internal filehandles returned by "test2_stdout()" and
     "test2_stderr()" from the current STDOUT and STDERR.  You shouldn't
     need to do this except in very peculiar situations (for example,
     you're testing a new formatter and you need control over where the
     formatter is sending its output.)


 These are hooks that allow you to add custom behavior to actions taken by
 Test2 and tools built on top of it.

 test2_add_callback_exit(sub { ... })
     This can be used to add a callback that is called after all testing
     is done. This is too late to add additional results, the main use of
     this callback is to set the exit code.

             sub {
                 my ($context, $exit, \$new_exit) = @_;

     The $context passed in will be an instance of Test2::API::Context.
     The $exit argument will be the original exit code before anything
     modified it.  $$new_exit is a reference to the new exit code. You may
     modify this to change the exit code. Please note that $$new_exit may
     already be different from $exit

 test2_add_callback_post_load(sub { ... })
     Add a callback that will be called when Test2 is finished loading.
     This means the callback will be run once, the first time a context is
     obtained.  If Test2 has already finished loading then the callback
     will be run immediately.

 test2_add_callback_testing_done(sub { ... })
     This adds your coderef as a follow-up to the root hub after Test2 is
     finished loading.

     This is essentially a helper to do the following:

         test2_add_callback_post_load(sub {
             my $stack = test2_stack();
             $stack->top; # Insure we have a hub
             my ($hub) = Test2::API::test2_stack->all;


             $hub->follow_up(sub { ... }); # <-- Your coderef here

 test2_add_callback_context_acquire(sub { ... })
     Add a callback that will be called every time someone tries to
     acquire a context. This will be called on EVERY call to "context()".
     It gets a single argument, a reference to the hash of parameters
     being used the construct the context. This is your chance to change
     the parameters by directly altering the hash.

         test2_add_callback_context_acquire(sub {
             my $params = shift;

     This is a very scary API function. Please do not use this unless you
     need to.  This is here for Test::Builder and backwards compatibility.
     This has you directly manipulate the hash instead of returning a new
     one for performance reasons.

 test2_add_callback_context_init(sub { ... })
     Add a callback that will be called every time a new context is
     created. The callback will receive the newly created context as its
     only argument.

 test2_add_callback_context_release(sub { ... })
     Add a callback that will be called every time a context is released.
     The callback will receive the released context as its only argument.

 test2_add_callback_pre_subtest(sub { ... })
     Add a callback that will be called every time a subtest is going to
     be run. The callback will receive the subtest name, coderef, and any

 @list = tteesstt22__lliisstt__ccoonntteexxtt__aaccqquuiirree__ccaallllbbaacckkss(())
     Return all the context acquire callback references.

 @list = tteesstt22__lliisstt__ccoonntteexxtt__iinniitt__ccaallllbbaacckkss(())
     Returns all the context init callback references.

 @list = tteesstt22__lliisstt__ccoonntteexxtt__rreelleeaassee__ccaallllbbaacckkss(())
     Returns all the context release callback references.

 @list = tteesstt22__lliisstt__eexxiitt__ccaallllbbaacckkss(())
     Returns all the exit callback references.

 @list = tteesstt22__lliisstt__ppoosstt__llooaadd__ccaallllbbaacckkss(())
     Returns all the post load callback references.

 @list = tteesstt22__lliisstt__pprree__ssuubbtteesstt__ccaallllbbaacckkss(())
     Returns all the pre-subtest callback references.

 test2_add_uuid_via(sub { ... })
 $sub = tteesstt22__aadddd__uuuuiidd__vviiaa(())
     This allows you to provide a UUID generator. If provided UUIDs will
     be attached to all events, hubs, and contexts. This is useful for
     storing, tracking, and linking these objects.

     The sub you provide should always return a unique identifier. Most
     things will expect a proper UUID string, however nothing in
     Test2::API enforces this.

     The sub will receive exactly 1 argument, the type of thing being
     tagged 'context', 'hub', or 'event'. In the future additional things
     may be tagged, in which case new strings will be passed in. These are
     purely informative, you can (and usually should) ignore them.


 These let you access, or specify, the IPC system internals.

 $bool = tteesstt22__hhaass__iippcc(())
     Check if IPC is enabled.

 $ipc = tteesstt22__iippcc(())
     This will return the global Test2::IPC::Driver instance. If this has
     not yet been initialized it will be initialized now.

     Add an IPC driver to the list. This will add the driver to the start
     of the list.

 @drivers = tteesstt22__iippcc__ddrriivveerrss(())
     Get the list of IPC drivers.

 $bool = tteesstt22__iippcc__ppoolllliinngg(())
     Check if polling is enabled.

     Turn on polling. This will cull events from other processes and
     threads every time a context is created.

     Turn off IPC polling.

     Legacy, this is currently a no-op that returns 0;

     Tell other processes and events that an event is pending. $uniq_val
     should be a unique value no other thread/process will generate.

     NNoottee:: After calling this "test2_ipc_get_pending()" will return 1.
     This is intentional, and not avoidable.

 $pending = tteesstt22__iippcc__ggeett__ppeennddiinngg(())
     This returns -1 if there is no way to check (assume yes)

     This returns 0 if there are (most likely) no pending events.

     This returns 1 if there are (likely) pending events. Upon return it
     will reset, nothing else will be able to see that there were pending

 $timeout = tteesstt22__iippcc__ggeett__ttiimmeeoouutt(())
     Get/Set the timeout value for the IPC system. This timeout is how
     long the IPC system will wait for child processes and threads to
     finish before aborting.

     The default value is 30 seconds.


 These let you access, or specify, the formatters that can/should be used.

 $formatter = test2_formatter
     This will return the global formatter class. This is not an instance.
     By default the formatter is set to Test2::Formatter::TAP.

     You can override this default using the "T2_FORMATTER" environment

     Normally 'Test2::Formatter::' is prefixed to the value in the
     environment variable:

         $ T2_FORMATTER='TAP' perl test.t     # Use the Test2::Formatter::TAP formatter
         $ T2_FORMATTER='Foo' perl test.t     # Use the Test2::Formatter::Foo formatter

     If you want to specify a full module name you use the '+' prefix:

         $ T2_FORMATTER='+Foo::Bar' perl test.t     # Use the Foo::Bar formatter

     Set the global formatter class. This can only be set once. NNoottee:: This
     will override anything specified in the 'T2_FORMATTER' environment

 @formatters = tteesstt22__ffoorrmmaatttteerrss(())
     Get a list of all loaded formatters.

     Add a formatter to the list. Last formatter added is used at
     initialization. If this is called after initialization a warning will
     be issued.


 See the "/Examples/" directory included in this distribution.


 Test2::API::Context - Detailed documentation of the context object.

 Test2::IPC - The IPC system used for threading/fork support.

 Test2::Formatter - Formatters such as TAP live here.

 Test2::Event - Events live in this namespace.

 Test2::Hub - All events eventually funnel through a hub. Custom hubs are
 how "intercept()" and "run_subtest()" are implemented.


 This package has an END block. This END block is responsible for setting
 the exit code based on the test results. This end block also calls the
 callbacks that can be added to this package.


 The source code repository for Test2 can be found at


 Chad Granum <exodist@cpan.org>


 Chad Granum <exodist@cpan.org>


 Copyright 2020 Chad Granum <exodist@cpan.org>.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the same terms as Perl itself.

 See _h_t_t_p_:_/_/_d_e_v_._p_e_r_l_._o_r_g_/_l_i_c_e_n_s_e_s_/

perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 Test2::API(3p)