Test2::API::Instance(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide

Test2::API::Instance(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide #

Test2::API::Instance(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide


 Test2::API::Instance - Object used by Test2::API under the hood


 This object encapsulates the global shared state tracked by Test2. A
 single global instance of this package is stored (and obscured) by the
 Test2::API package.

 There is no reason to directly use this package. This package is
 documented for completeness. This package can change, or go away
 completely at any time.  Directly using, or monkeypatching this package
 is not supported in any way shape or form.


     use Test2::API::Instance;

     my $obj = Test2::API::Instance->new;

 $pid = $obj->pid
     PID of this instance.

     Thread ID of this instance.

     Reset the object to defaults.

     Set the internal state to loaded, and run and stored post-load

 $bool = $obj->loaded
     Check if the state is set to loaded.

 $arrayref = $obj->post_load_callbacks
     Get the post-load callbacks.

 $obj->add_post_load_callback(sub { ... })
     Add a post-load callback. If "load()" has already been called then
     the callback will be immediately executed. If "load()" has not been
     called then the callback will be stored and executed later when
     "load()" is called.

 $hashref = $obj->ccoonntteexxttss(())
     Get a hashref of all active contexts keyed by hub id.

 $arrayref = $obj->context_acquire_callbacks
     Get all context acquire callbacks.

 $arrayref = $obj->context_init_callbacks
     Get all context init callbacks.

 $arrayref = $obj->context_release_callbacks
     Get all context release callbacks.

 $arrayref = $obj->pre_subtest_callbacks
     Get all pre-subtest callbacks.

 $obj->add_context_init_callback(sub { ... })
     Add a context init callback. Subs are called every time a context is
     created. Subs get the newly created context as their only argument.

 $obj->add_context_release_callback(sub { ... })
     Add a context release callback. Subs are called every time a context
     is released. Subs get the released context as their only argument.
     These callbacks should not call release on the context.

 $obj->add_pre_subtest_callback(sub { ... })
     Add a pre-subtest callback. Subs are called every time a subtest is
     going to be run. Subs get the subtest name, coderef, and any

     This is intended to be called in an "END { ... }" block. This will
     look at test state and set $?. This will also call any end callbacks,
     and wait on child processes/threads.

     Tell other processes and threads there is a pending event. $val
     should be a unique value no other thread/process will generate.

     NNoottee:: This will also make the current process see a pending event.

 $pending = $obj->ggeett__iippcc__ppeennddiinngg(())
     This returns -1 if it is not possible to know.

     This returns 0 if there are no pending events.

     This returns 1 if there are pending events.

 $timeout = $obj->ipc_timeout;
     How long to wait for child processes and threads before aborting.

 $drivers = $obj->ipc_drivers
     Get the list of IPC drivers.

     Add an IPC driver to the list. The most recently added IPC driver
     will become the global one during initialization. If a driver is
     added after initialization has occurred a warning will be generated:

         "IPC driver $driver loaded too late to be used as the global ipc driver"

 $bool = $obj->ipc_polling
     Check if polling is enabled.

     Turn on polling. This will cull events from other processes and
     threads every time a context is created.

     Turn off IPC polling.

 $bool = $obj->no_wait
 $bool = $obj->set_no_wait($bool)
     Get/Set no_wait. This option is used to turn off process/thread
     waiting at exit.

 $arrayref = $obj->exit_callbacks
     Get the exit callbacks.

 $obj->add_exit_callback(sub { ... })
     Add an exit callback. This callback will be called by "set_exit()".

 $bool = $obj->finalized
     Check if the object is finalized. Finalization happens when either
     "ipc()", "stack()", or "format()" are called on the object. Once
     finalization happens these fields are considered unchangeable (not
     enforced here, enforced by Test2).

 $ipc = $obj->ipc
     Get the one true IPC instance.

     Turn IPC off

 $bool = $obj->ipc_disabled
     Check if IPC is disabled

 $stack = $obj->stack
     Get the one true hub stack.

 $formatter = $obj->formatter
     Get the global formatter. By default this is the
     'Test2::Formatter::TAP' package. This could be any package that
     implements the "write()" method. This can also be an instantiated

 $bool = $obj->ffoorrmmaatttteerr__sseett(())
     Check if a formatter has been set.

     Add a formatter. The most recently added formatter will become the
     global one during initialization. If a formatter is added after
     initialization has occurred a warning will be generated:

         "Formatter $formatter loaded too late to be used as the global formatter"

 $obj->set_add_uuid_via(sub { ... })
 $sub = $obj->aadddd__uuuuiidd__vviiaa(())
     This allows you to provide a UUID generator. If provided UUIDs will
     be attached to all events, hubs, and contexts. This is useful for
     storing, tracking, and linking these objects.

     The sub you provide should always return a unique identifier. Most
     things will expect a proper UUID string, however nothing in
     Test2::API enforces this.

     The sub will receive exactly 1 argument, the type of thing being
     tagged 'context', 'hub', or 'event'. In the future additional things
     may be tagged, in which case new strings will be passed in. These are
     purely informative, you can (and usually should) ignore them.


 The source code repository for Test2 can be found at


 Chad Granum <exodist@cpan.org>


 Chad Granum <exodist@cpan.org>


 Copyright 2020 Chad Granum <exodist@cpan.org>.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the same terms as Perl itself.

 See _h_t_t_p_:_/_/_d_e_v_._p_e_r_l_._o_r_g_/_l_i_c_e_n_s_e_s_/

perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 Test2::API::Instance(3p)