TAP::Parser::Multiplexer(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide

TAP::Parser::Multiplexer(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide #

TAP::Parser::Multiplexer(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide


 TAP::Parser::Multiplexer - Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers


 Version 3.44


     use TAP::Parser::Multiplexer;

     my $mux = TAP::Parser::Multiplexer->new;
     $mux->add( $parser1, $stash1 );
     $mux->add( $parser2, $stash2 );
     while ( my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next ) {
         # do stuff


 "TAP::Parser::Multiplexer" gathers input from multiple TAP::Parsers.
 Internally it calls select on the input file handles for those parsers to
 wait for one or more of them to have input available.

 See TAP::Harness for an example of its use.


CCllaassss MMeetthhooddss _"_n_e_w_"

     my $mux = TAP::Parser::Multiplexer->new;

 Returns a new "TAP::Parser::Multiplexer" object.

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   $mux->add( $parser, $stash );

 Add a TAP::Parser to the multiplexer. $stash is an optional opaque
 reference that will be returned from "next" along with the parser and the
 next result.


   my $count   = $mux->parsers;

 Returns the number of parsers. Parsers are removed from the multiplexer
 when their input is exhausted.


 Return a result from the next available parser. Returns a list containing
 the parser from which the result came, the stash that corresponds with
 that parser and the result.

     my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next;

 If $result is undefined the corresponding parser has reached the end of
 its input (and will automatically be removed from the multiplexer).

 When all parsers are exhausted an empty list will be returned.

     if ( my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next ) {
         if ( ! defined $result ) {
             # End of this parser
         else {
             # Process result
     else {
         # All parsers finished

SSeeee AAllssoo TAP::Parser


perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 TAP::Parser::Multiplexer(3p)