Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide

Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide #

Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide


 Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch - convert several Pod files to several HTML files


   perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go' in out


 This module is used for running batch-conversions of a lot of HTML

 This class is NOT a subclass of Pod::Simple::HTML (nor of bad old
 Pod::Html) -- although it uses Pod::Simple::HTML for doing the conversion
 of each document.

 The normal use of this class is like so:

   use Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;
   my $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
   $batchconv->some_option( some_value );
   $batchconv->some_other_option( some_other_value );
   $batchconv->batch_convert( \@search_dirs, $output_dir );


 Note that this class also provides (but does not export) the function
 Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go.  This is basically just a shortcut for
 "Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->batch_convert(@ARGV)".  It's meant to be handy
 for calling from the command line.

 However, the shortcut requires that you specify exactly two command-line
 arguments, "indirs" and "outdir".


   % mkdir out_html
   % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go @INC out_html
       (to convert the pod from Perl's @INC
        files under the directory ./out_html)

 (Note that the command line there contains a literal atsign-I-N-C.  This
 is handled as a special case by batch_convert, in order to save you
 having to enter the odd-looking "" as the first command-line parameter
 when you mean "just use whatever's in @INC".)


   % mkdir ../seekrut
   % chmod og-rx ../seekrut
   % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go . ../seekrut
       (to convert the pod under the current dir into HTML
        files under the directory ./seekrut)


   % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go happydocs .
       (to convert all pod from happydocs into the current directory)


 $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
     This creates a new batch converter.  The method doesn't take
     parameters.  To change the converter's attributes, use the "ACCESSOR
     METHODS"" in " below.

 $batchconv->batch_convert( _i_n_d_i_r_s, _o_u_t_d_i_r );
     This searches the directories given in _i_n_d_i_r_s and writes HTML files
     for each of these to a corresponding directory in _o_u_t_d_i_r.  The
     directory _o_u_t_d_i_r must exist.

 $batchconv->batch_convert( undef    , ...);
 $batchconv->batch_convert( q{@INC}, ...);
     These two values for _i_n_d_i_r_s specify that the normal Perl @INC

 $batchconv->batch_convert( \@dirs , ...);
     This specifies that the input directories are the items in the
     arrayref "\@dirs".

 $batchconv->batch_convert( "somedir" , ...);
     This specifies that the director "somedir" is the input.  (This can
     be an absolute or relative path, it doesn't matter.)

     A common value you might want would be just "." for the current

          $batchconv->batch_convert( "." , ...);

 $batchconv->batch_convert( 'somedir:someother:also' , ...);
     This specifies that you want the dirs "somedir", "someother", and
     "also" scanned, just as if you'd passed the arrayref "[qw( somedir
     someother also)]".  Note that a ":"-separator is normal under Unix,
     but Under MSWin, you'll need 'somedir;someother;also' instead, since
     the pathsep on MSWin is ";" instead of ":".  (And _t_h_a_t is because ":"
     often comes up in paths, like "c:/perl/lib".)

     (Exactly what separator character should be used, is gotten from
     $Config::Config{'path_sep'}, via the Config module.)

 $batchconv->batch_convert( ... , undef );
     This specifies that you want the HTML output to go into the current

     (Note that a missing or undefined value means a different thing in
     the first slot than in the second.  That's so that "batch_convert()"
     with no arguments (or undef arguments) means "go from @INC, into the
     current directory.)

 $batchconv->batch_convert( ... , 'somedir' );
     This specifies that you want the HTML output to go into the directory
     'somedir'.  (This can be an absolute or relative path, it doesn't

 Note that you can also call "batch_convert" as a class method, like so:

   Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->batch_convert( ... );

 That is just short for this:

   Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch-> new-> batch_convert(...);

 That is, it runs a conversion with default options, for whatever
 inputdirs and output dir you specify.


 The following are all accessor methods -- that is, they don't do anything
 on their own, but just alter the contents of the conversion object, which
 comprises the options for this particular batch conversion.

 We show the "put" form of the accessors below (i.e., the syntax you use
 for setting the accessor to a specific value).  But you can also call
 each method with no parameters to get its current value.  For example,
 "$self->contents_file()" returns the current value of the contents_file

 $batchconv->verbose( _n_o_n_n_e_g_a_t_i_v_e___i_n_t_e_g_e_r );
     This controls how verbose to be during batch conversion, as far as
     notes to STDOUT (or whatever is "select"'d) about how the conversion
     is going.  If 0, no progress information is printed.  If 1 (the
     default value), some progress information is printed.  Higher values
     print more information.

 $batchconv->index( _t_r_u_e_-_o_r_-_f_a_l_s_e );
     This controls whether or not each HTML page is liable to have a
     little table of contents at the top (which we call an "index" for
     historical reasons).  This is true by default.

 $batchconv->contents_file( _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e );
     If set, should be the name of a file (in the output directory) to
     write the HTML index to.  The default value is "index.html".  If you
     set this to a false value, no contents file will be written.

 $batchconv->contents_page_start( _H_T_M_L___s_t_r_i_n_g );
     This specifies what string should be put at the beginning of the
     contents page.  The default is a string more or less like this:

       <head><title>Perl Documentation</title></head>
       <body class='contentspage'>
       <h1>Perl Documentation</h1>

 $batchconv->contents_page_end( _H_T_M_L___s_t_r_i_n_g );
     This specifies what string should be put at the end of the contents
     page.  The default is a string more or less like this:

       <p class='contentsfooty'>Generated by
       Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch v3.01 under Perl v5.008
       <br >At Fri May 14 22:26:42 2004 GMT,
       which is Fri May 14 14:26:42 2004 local time.</p>

 $batchconv->add_css( $url );


 $batchconv->add_javascript( $url );


 $batchconv->css_flurry( _t_r_u_e_-_o_r_-_f_a_l_s_e );
     If true (the default value), we autogenerate some CSS files in the
     output directory, and set our HTML files to use those.  TODO:

 $batchconv->javascript_flurry( _t_r_u_e_-_o_r_-_f_a_l_s_e );
     If true (the default value), we autogenerate a JavaScript in the
     output directory, and set our HTML files to use it.  Currently, the
     JavaScript is used only to get the browser to remember what
     stylesheet it prefers.  TODO: continue

 $batchconv->no_contents_links( _t_r_u_e_-_o_r_-_f_a_l_s_e );


 $batchconv->html_render_class( _c_l_a_s_s_n_a_m_e );
     This sets what class is used for rendering the files.  The default is
     "Pod::Simple::HTML".  If you set it to something else, it should
     probably be a subclass of Pod::Simple::HTML, and you should "require"
     or "use" that class so that's it's loaded before
     Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch tries loading it.

 $batchconv->search_class( _c_l_a_s_s_n_a_m_e );
     This sets what class is used for searching for the files.  The
     default is "Pod::Simple::Search".  If you set it to something else,
     it should probably be a subclass of Pod::Simple::Search, and you
     should "require" or "use" that class so that's it's loaded before
     Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch tries loading it.



   call add_css($someurl) to add stylesheet as alternate
   call add_css($someurl,1) to add as primary stylesheet

   call add_javascript

   subclass Pod::Simple::HTML and set $batchconv->html_render_class to
     that classname
   and maybe override
     $page->batch_mode_page_object_init($self, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
   or maybe override
     $batchconv->batch_mode_page_object_init($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
   subclass Pod::Simple::Search and set $batchconv->search_class to
     that classname


 Pod::Simple, Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch, perlpod, perlpodspec


 Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the
 pod-people@perl.org mail list. Send an empty email to
 pod-people-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe.

 This module is managed in an open GitHub repository,
 <https://github.com/perl-pod/pod-simple/>. Feel free to fork and
 contribute, or to clone <git://github.com/perl-pod/pod-simple.git> and
 send patches!

 Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to


 Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke.

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the same terms as Perl itself.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
 merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


 Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke <sburke@cpan.org>.  But don't
 bother him, he's retired.

 Pod::Simple is maintained by:

 •   Allison Randal "allison@perl.org"

 •   Hans Dieter Pearcey "hdp@cpan.org"

 •   David E. Wheeler "dwheeler@cpan.org"

perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch(3p)