OpenBSD::Intro(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide OpenBSD::Intro(3p) #
OpenBSD::Intro(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide OpenBSD::Intro(3p)
OpenBSD::Intro - Introduction to the pkg tools internals
use OpenBSD::PackingList;
Note that the "OpenBSD::" namespace of perl modules is not limited to
package tools, but also includes ppkkgg--ccoonnffiigg(1) support modules. This
document only covers package tools material.
The design of the package tools revolves around a few central ideas:
Design modules that manipulate some notions in a consistent way, so that
they can be used by the package tools proper, but also with a high-level
API that's useful for anything that needs to manipulate packages. This
was validated by the ease with which we can now update packing-lists,
check for conflicts, and check various properties of our packages.
Try to be as safe as possible where installation and update operations
are concerned. Cut up operations into small subsets which yields
frequent safe intermediate points where the machine is completely
Traditional package tools often rely on the following model: take a
snapshot of the system, try to perform an operation, and roll back to a
stable state if anything goes wrong.
Instead, OpenBSD package tools take a computational approach: record
semantic information in a useful format, pre-compute as much as can be
about an operation, and only perform the operation when we have proved
that (almost) nothing can go wrong. As far as possible, the actual
operation happens on the side, as a temporary scaffolding, and we only
commit to the operation once most of the work is over.
Keep high-level semantic information instead of recomputing it all the
time, but try to organize as much as possible as plain text files.
Originally, it was a bit of a challenge: trying to see how much we could
get away with, before having to define an actual database format. Turns
out we do not need a database format, or even any cache on the ftp
Avoid copying files all over the place. Hence the OOppeennBBSSDD::::UUssttaarr(3p)
module that allows package tools to manipulate tarballs directly without
having to extract them first in a staging area.
All the package tools use the same internal perl modules, which gives
them some consistency about fundamental notions.
It is highly recommended to try to understand packing-lists and packing
elements first, since they are the core that unlocks most of the package
packing-lists and elements
Each package consists of a list of objects (mostly files, but there
are some other abstract structures, like new user accounts, or stuff
to do when the package gets installed). They are recorded in a
OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkiinnggLLiisstt(3p), the module offers everything needed to
manipulate packing-lists. The packing-list format has a text
representation, which is documented in ppkkgg__ccrreeaattee(1). Internally,
packing-lists are heavily structured. Objects are reordered by the
internals of OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkiinnggLLiisstt(3p), and there are some standard
filters defined to gain access to some commonly used information
(dependencies and conflicts mostly) without having to read and parse
the whole packing-list. Each object is an
OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkiinnggEElleemmeenntt(3p), which is an abstract class with lots of
children classes. The use of packing-lists most often combines two
classic design patterns: one uses Visitor to traverse a packing-list
and perform an operation on all its elements (this is where the order
is important, and why some stuff like user creation will `bubble up'
to the beginning of the list), allied to Template Method: the
operation is often not determined for a basic
OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkiinnggEElleemmeenntt(3p), but will make more sense to an
OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkiinnggEElleemmeenntt::::FFiilleeOObbjjeecctt(3p) or similar. Packing-list
objects have an "automatic visitor" property: if a method is not
defined for the packing-list proper, but exists for packing elements,
then invoking the method on the packing-list will traverse it and
apply the method to each element. For instance, package installation
happens through the following snippet:
where "install_and_progress" is defined at the packing element level,
and invokes "install" and shows a progress bar if needed.
package names and specs
Package names and specifications for package names have a specific
format, which is described in ppaacckkaaggeess--ssppeeccss(7). Package specs are
objects created in OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPkkggSSppeecc(3p), which are then compared to
objects created in OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkaaggeeNNaammee(3p). Both classes contain
further functions for high level manipulation of names and specs.
There is also a framework to organize searches based on
OOppeennBBSSDD::::SSeeaarrcchh(3p) objects. Specifications are structured in a
specific way, which yields a shorthand for conflict handling through
OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPkkggCCffll(3p), allows the package system to resolve dependencies
in OOppeennBBSSDD::::DDeeppeennddeenncciieess(3p) and to figure out package updates in
sources of packages
Historically, OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkaaggeeIInnffoo(3p) was used to get to the list of
installed packages and grab information. This is now part of a more
generic framework OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkaaggeeRReeppoossiittoorryy(3p), which interacts with
the search objects to allow you to access packages, be they installed,
on the local machines, or distant. Once a package is located, the
repository yields a proxy object called OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPaacckkaaggeeLLooccaattiioonn(3p)
that can be used to gain further info. (There are still shortcuts for
installed packages for performance and simplicity reasons.)
package sets
Each operation (installation, removal, or replacement of packages) is
cut up into small atomic operations, in order to guarantee maximal
stability of the installed system. The package tools will try really
hard to only deal with one or two packages at a time, in order to
minimize combinatorial complexity, and to have a maximal number of
safe points, where an update operation can stop without hosing the
whole system. An update set is simply a minimal bag of packages, with
old packages that are going to be removed, new packages that are going
to replace them, and an area to record related ongoing computations.
The old set may be empty, the new set may be empty, and in all cases,
the update set shall be small (as small as possible). We have already
met with update situations where dependencies between packages invert
(A-1.0 depends on B-1.0, but B-0.0 depends on A-0.0), or where files
move between packages, which in theory will require update-sets with
two new packages that replace two old packages. We still cheat in a
few cases, but in most cases, ppkkgg__aadddd(1) will recognize those
situations, and merge updatesets as required. ppkkgg__ddeelleettee(1) also uses
package sets, but a simpler variation, known as delete sets. Some
update operations may produce inter-dependent packages, and those will
have to be deleted together, instead of one after another.
OOppeennBBSSDD::::UUppddaatteeSSeett(3p) contains the code for both UpdateSets and
DeleteSets for historical reasons.
updater and tracker
PackageSets contain some initial information, such as a package name
to install, or a package location to update.
This information will be completed incrementally by a
"OpenBSD::Update" updater object, which is responsible for figuring
out how to update each element of an updateset, if it is an older
package, or to resolve a hint to a package name to a full package
In order to avoid loops, a "OpenBSD::Tracker" tracker object keeps
track of all the package name statuses: what's queued for update, what
is uptodate, or what can't be updated.
ppkkggddeelleettee(1) uses a simpler tracker, which is currently located inside
the OOppeennBBSSDD::::PPkkggDDeelleettee(3p) code.
dependency information
Dependency information exists at three levels: first, there are source
specifications within ports. Then, those specifications turn into
binary specifications with more constraints when the package is built
by ppkkgg__ccrreeaattee(1), and finally, they're matched against lists of
installed objects when the package is installed, and recorded as lists
of inter-dependencies in the package system.
At the package level, there are currently two types of dependencies:
package specifications, that establish direct dependencies between
packages, and shared libraries, that are described below.
Normal dependencies are shallow: it is up to the package tools to
figure out a whole dependency tree throughout top-level dependencies.
None of this is hard-coded: this a prerequisite for flavored packages
to work, as we do not want to depend on a specific package if
something more generic will do.
At the same time, shared libraries have harsher constraints: a package
won't work without the exact same shared libraries it needs (same
major number, at least), so shared libraries are handled through a
want/provide mechanism that walks the whole dependency tree to find
the required shared libraries.
Dependencies are just a subclass of the packing-elements, rooted at
the "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Depend" class.
A specific "OpenBSD::Dependencies::Solver" object is used for the
resolution of dependencies (see OOppeennBBSSDD::::DDeeppeennddeenncciieess(3p), the solver
is mostly a tree-walker, but there are performance considerations, so
it also caches a lot of information and cooperates with the
"OpenBSD::Tracker". Specificities of shared libraries are handled by
OOppeennBBSSDD::::SShhaarreeddLLiibbss(3p). In particular, the base system also provides
some shared libraries which are not recorded within the dependency
Lists of inter-dependencies are recorded in both directions
(RequiredBy/Requiring). The OOppeennBBSSDD::::RReeqquuiirreeddBByy(3p) module handles the
subtleties (removing duplicates, keeping things ordered, and handling
pretend operations).
shared items
Some items may be recorded multiple times within several packages
(mostly directories, users and groups). There is a specific
OOppeennBBSSDD::::SShhaarreeddIItteemmss(3p) module which handles these. Mostly, removal
operations will scan all packing-lists at high speed to figure out
shared items, and remove stuff that's no longer in use.
virtual file system
Most package operations will lead to the installation and removal of
some files. Everything is checked beforehand: the package system
must verify that no new file will erase an existing file, or that the
file system won't overflow during the package installation. The
package tools also have a "pretend" mode where the user can check what
will happen before doing an operation. All the computations and
caching are handled through the OOppeennBBSSDD::::VVssttaatt(3p) module, which is
designed to hide file system oddities, and to perform
addition/deletion operations virtually before doing them for real.
framework for user interaction
Most commands are now implemented as perl modules, with pkg(1)
requiring the correct module "M", and invoking
All those commands use a class derived from "OpenBSD::State" for user
interaction. Among other things, "OpenBSD::State" provides for
printable, translatable messages, consistent option handling and usage
All commands that provide a progress meter use the derived module
"OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete", which contains a derived state class
"OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete::State", and a main command class
"OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete", with consistent options.
Eventually, this will allow third party tools to simply override the
user interface part of "OpenBSD::State"/"OpenBSD::ProgressMeter" to
provide alternate displays.
There are three basic operations: package addition (installation),
package removal (deinstallation), and package replacement (update).
These operations are achieved through repeating the correct operations on
all elements of a packing-list.
For package addition, ppkkgg__aadddd(1) first checks that everything is correct,
then runs through the packing-list, and extracts element from the
For package deletion, ppkkgg__ddeelleettee(1) removes elements from the packing-
list, and marks `common' stuff that may need to be unregistered, then
walks quickly through all installed packages and removes stuff that's no
longer used (directories, users, groups...)
Package replacement is more complicated. It relies on package names and
conflict markers.
In normal usage, ppkkgg__aadddd(1) installs only new stuff, and checks that all
files in the new package don't already exist in the file system. By
convention, packages with the same stem are assumed to be different
versions of the same package, e.g., screen-1.0 and screen-1.1 correspond
to the same software, and users are not expected to be able to install
both at the same time.
This is a conflict.
One can also mark extra conflicts (if two software distributions install
the same file, generally a bad idea), or remove default conflict markers
(for instance, so that the user can install several versions of autoconf
at the same time).
If ppkkgg__aadddd(1) is invoked in replacement mode (-r), it will use conflict
information to figure out which package(s) it should replace. It will
then operate in a specific mode, where it replaces old package(s) with a
new one.
• determine which package to replace through conflict information
• extract the new package 'alongside' the existing package(s) using
temporary filenames.
• remove the old package
• finish installing the new package by renaming the temporary files.
Thus replacements will work without needing any extra information besides
conflict markers. pkg_add -r will happily replace any package with a
conflicting package. Due to missing information (one can't predict the
future), conflict markers work both way: packages a and b conflict as
soon as a conflicts with b, or b conflicts with a.
Package replacement is the basic operation behind package updates. In
your average update, each individual package will be replaced by a more
recent one, starting with dependencies, so that the installation stays
functional the whole time. Shared libraries enjoy a special status: old
shared libraries are kept around in a stub .lib-* package, so that
software that depends on them keeps running. (Thus, it is vital that
porters pay attention to shared library version numbers during an
An update operation starts with update sets that contain only old
packages. There is some specific code (the "OpenBSD::Update" module)
which is used to figure out the new package name from the old one.
Note that updates are slightly more complicated than straight
replacement: a package may replace an older one if it conflicts with it.
But an older package can only be updated if the new package matches (both
conflicts and correct pkgpath markers).
In every update or replacement, pkg_add will first try to install or
update the quirks package, which contains a global list of exceptions,
such as extra stems to search for (allowing for package renames), or
packages to remove as they've become part of base OpenBSD.
This search relies on stem names first (e.g., to update package foo-1.0,
pkg_add -u will look for foo-* in the PKG_PATH), then it trims the search
results by looking more closely inside the package candidates. More
specifically, their pkgpath (the directory in the ports tree from which
they were compiled). Thus, a package that comes from
category/someport/snapshot will never replace a package that comes from
category/someport/stable. Likewise for flavors.
Finally, pkg_add -u decides whether the update is needed by comparing the
package version and the package signatures: a package will not be
downgraded to an older version. A package signature is composed of the
name of a package, together with relevant dependency information: all
wantlib versions, and all run dependencies versions. pkg_add only
replaces packages with different signatures.
Currently, pkg_add -u stops at the first entry in the PKG_PATH from which
suitable candidates are found.
common operations related to a package addition.
common operations related to package addition/creation/deletion.
Mainly "OpenBSD::ProgressMeter" related.
common operations used during addition and deletion. Mainly due to
the fact that pkg_add(1) will remove packages during updates, and that
addition/suppression operations are only allowed to fail at specific
times. Most updateset algorithms live there, as does the upper layer
framework for handling signals safely.
additional layer on top of "OpenBSD::Ustar" that enforces extra rules
specific to packages. In particular, we don't store timestamps in the
packing-list to avoid gratuitous changes, and also, a lot of sensitive
information is not allowed if it's not also annotated in the
checks a collision list obtained through "OpenBSD::Vstat" against the
full list of installed files, and reports origin of existing files.
common operations related to package deletion.
looking up all kind of dependencies. Contains rather complicated
caching to speed things up. Interacts with the global tracker object.
handles signal registration, the exception mechanism, and auto-caching
methods. Most I/O operations have moved to "OpenBSD::State".
GGeettoopptt::::SSttdd(3p)-like with extra hooks for special options.
proxy class to go from a package location to an opened package with
plist, including state information to cache errors.
caches uid and gid vs. user names and group names correspondences.
handles user questions (do not call directly, go through
"OpenBSD::State" and derivatives).
interactions between library objects from packing-lists, library
specifications, and matching those against actual lists of libraries
(from packages or from the system).
extends "OpenBSD::LibSpec" for matching during ports builds.
component for printing information later, to be used by derivative
classes of "OpenBSD::State".
simple parser for mmttrreeee(8) specifications.
code required by pkg_add(1) to handle the removal of old libraries
during update.
handles package meta-information (all the +CONTENTS, +DESCR, etc
proxy for a package, either as a tarball, or an installed package.
Obtained through "OpenBSD::PackageRepository".
central non-OO hub for the normal repository list (should use a
singleton pattern instead).
common operations on package names.
base class for all package sources. Actual packages instantiate as
list of package repository, provided as a front to search objects,
because searching through a repository list has lldd(1)-like semantics
(stops at the first repository that matches).
all the packing-list elements class hierarchy, together with common
methods that do not belong elsewhere.
responsible for reading/writing packing-lists, copying them, comparing
hardcoded paths to external programs and locations.
OpenBSD::PkgAdd, OpenBSD::PkgCreate, OpenBSD::PkgCheck,
OpenBSD::PkgDelete, OpenBSD:PkgInfo
implements corresponding commands.
conflict lists handling in an efficient way.
ad-hoc search for package specifications. External API is stable, but
it needs to be updated to use "OpenBSD::PackageName" objects now that
they exist.
handles display of a progress meter when a terminal is available,
devolves to nothings otherwise.
common operations related to package replacement.
handles requiredby and requiring lists.
search object for package repositories: specs, stems, and pkgpaths.
handles items that may be shared by several packages.
shared library specificities when handled as dependencies.
handles package signatures and the corresponding version comparison
(do not confuse with cryptographic signatures, as handled through
base class to UI and option handling.
conventions used for substituting variables during ppkkgg__ccrreeaattee(1), and
related algorithms.
safe creation of temporary files as a light-weight module that also
deals with signal issues.
tracks all package names through update operations, in order to avoid
loops while doing incremental updates.
incremental computation of package replacements required by an update
or installation.
common operations to all package tools that manipulate update sets.
simple API that allows for Ustar (new tar) archive manipulation,
allowing for extraction and copies on the fly.
virtual file system (pretend) operations.
simple interface to the DDiiggeesstt::::MMDD55(3p) and DDiiggeesstt::::SSHHAA(3p) modules.
cryptographic signature through x509 certificates. Mostly calls
openssl(1). Note that "OpenBSD::ArcCheck" is vital in ensuring
archive meta-info have not been tampered with.
perl v5.36.3 2022-05-11 OpenBSD::Intro(3p)