CPAN::Plugin::Specfile(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide #
CPAN::Plugin::Specfile(3p) Perl Programmers Reference Guide
CPAN::Plugin::Specfile - Proof of concept implementation of a trivial
# once in the cpan shell
o conf plugin_list push CPAN::Plugin::Specfile
# make permanent
o conf commit
# any time in the cpan shell to write a spec file
test Acme::Meta
# disable
# if it is the last in plugin_list:
o conf plugin_list pop
# otherwise, determine the index to splice:
o conf plugin_list
# and then use splice, e.g. to splice position 3:
o conf plugin_list splice 3 1
Implemented as a post-test hook, this plugin writes a specfile after
every successful test run. The content is also written to the terminal.
As a side effect, the timestamps of the written specfiles reflect the
linear order of all dependencies.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: This code is just a small demo how to use the plugin system of
the CPAN shell, not a full fledged spec file writer. Do not expect new
features in this plugin.
The target directory to store the spec files in can be set using "dir" as
o conf plugin_list push CPAN::Plugin::Specfile=dir,/tmp/specfiles-000042
The default directory for this is the "plugins/CPAN::Plugin::Specfile"
directory in the _c_p_a_n___h_o_m_e directory.
Andreas Koenig <>, Branislav Zahradnik <>
perl v5.36.3 2019-12-30 CPAN::Plugin::Specfile(3p)