BUILDTOC(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide BUILDTOC(1)

BUILDTOC(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide BUILDTOC(1) #

BUILDTOC(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide BUILDTOC(1)


 pod/buildtoc - Generate table of contents


 This program generates a table of contents for the documentation included
 in the Perl core distribution.  This table of contents takes two forms:

 1 _p_o_d_/_p_e_r_l_t_o_c_._p_o_d
     A file in Perl's Plain Old Documentation (POD) format found in the
     _p_o_d_/ directory in the core distribution.  Once Perl is installed,
     this file becomes accessible system-wide via "perldoc perltoc".

 2 _p_o_d_/_r_o_f_f_i_t_a_l_l
     A shell script originally written by Tom Christiansen and Raphael
     Manfredi, also found in the _p_o_d_/ directory, which can be used to
     translate Perl documentation into _m_a_n pages.


 This program will typically nnoott need to be called directly by a user.
 Rather, it is one of the last commands invoked during "make test_prep":

     ./perl -Ilib -I. -f pod/buildtoc -q

 The only command-line switch is "-q|--quiet", which quiets some non-
 critical warnings.

DDiiaaggnnoossiinngg PPrroobblleemmss This program “require"s _P_o_r_t_i_n_g_/_p_o_d___l_i_b_._p_l and makes use of several subroutines found in that file: “get_pod_metadata()” and “pods_to_install()” in particular. Consequently, any warnings or exceptions you see when this program is running may be being passed through from those subroutines. You may have to (a) examine those subroutines and/or (b) run that program from the command-line to fully understand what is causing such warnings or exceptions.

AAUUTTHHOORRSS aanndd MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE This program was introduced into the Perl 5 core distribution by Andy Dougherty, based on earlier work by Tom Christiansen. It is maintained by the Perl 5 Porters.

perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 BUILDTOC(1)