PERLTRAP(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLTRAP(1)

PERLTRAP(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLTRAP(1) #

PERLTRAP(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLTRAP(1)


 perltrap - Perl traps for the unwary


 The biggest trap of all is forgetting to "use warnings" or use the --ww
 switch; see warnings and "-w" in perlrun. The second biggest trap is not
 making your entire program runnable under "use strict".  The third
 biggest trap is not reading the list of changes in this version of Perl;
 see perldelta.

AAwwkk TTrraappss Accustomed aawwkk users should take special note of the following:

 •   A Perl program executes only once, not once for each input line.  You
     can do an implicit loop with "-n" or "-p".

 •   The English module, loaded via

         use English;

     allows you to refer to special variables (like $/) with names (like
     $RS), as though they were in aawwkk; see perlvar for details.

 •   Semicolons are required after all simple statements in Perl (except
     at the end of a block).  Newline is not a statement delimiter.

 •   Curly brackets are required on "if"s and "while"s.

 •   Variables begin with "$", "@" or "%" in Perl.

 •   Arrays index from 0.  Likewise string positions in ssuubbssttrr(()) and

 •   You have to decide whether your array has numeric or string indices.

 •   Hash values do not spring into existence upon mere reference.

 •   You have to decide whether you want to use string or numeric

 •   Reading an input line does not split it for you.  You get to split it
     to an array yourself.  And the sspplliitt(()) operator has different
     arguments than aawwkk's.

 •   The current input line is normally in $_, not $0.  It generally does
     not have the newline stripped.  ($0 is the name of the program
     executed.)  See perlvar.

 •   $<_d_i_g_i_t> does not refer to fields--it refers to substrings matched by
     the last match pattern.

 •   The pprriinntt(()) statement does not add field and record separators unless
     you set $, and "$\".  You can set $OFS and $ORS if you're using the
     English module.

 •   You must open your files before you print to them.

 •   The range operator is "..", not comma.  The comma operator works as
     in C.

 •   The match operator is "=~", not "~".  ("~" is the one's complement
     operator, as in C.)

 •   The exponentiation operator is "**", not "^".  "^" is the XOR
     operator, as in C.  (You know, one could get the feeling that aawwkk is
     basically incompatible with C.)

 •   The concatenation operator is ".", not the null string.  (Using the
     null string would render "/pat/ /pat/" unparsable, because the third
     slash would be interpreted as a division operator--the tokenizer is
     in fact slightly context sensitive for operators like "/", "?", and
     ">".  And in fact, "." itself can be the beginning of a number.)

 •   The "next", "exit", and "continue" keywords work differently.

 •   The following variables work differently:

           Awk       Perl
           ARGC      scalar @ARGV (compare with $#ARGV)

ARGV[0] $0 #


           FNR       $. - something
           FS        (whatever you like)
           NF        $#Fld, or some such

NR $. #

OFMT $# #

OFS $, #

ORS $\ #

           RLENGTH   length($&)

RS $/ #

           RSTART    length($`)


 •   You cannot set $RS to a pattern, only a string.

 •   When in doubt, run the aawwkk construct through aa22pp and see what it
     gives you.

CC//CC++++ TTrraappss Cerebral C and C++ programmers should take note of the following:

 •   Curly brackets are required on "if"'s and "while"'s.

 •   You must use "elsif" rather than "else if".

 •   The "break" and "continue" keywords from C become in Perl "last" and
     "next", respectively.  Unlike in C, these do _n_o_t work within a "do {
     } while" construct.  See "Loop Control" in perlsyn.

 •   The switch statement is called "given"/"when" and only available in
     perl 5.10 or newer.  See "Switch Statements" in perlsyn.

 •   Variables begin with "$", "@" or "%" in Perl.

 •   Comments begin with "#", not "/*" or "//".  Perl may interpret C/C++
     comments as division operators, unterminated regular expressions or
     the defined-or operator.

 •   You can't take the address of anything, although a similar operator
     in Perl is the backslash, which creates a reference.

 •   "ARGV" must be capitalized.  $ARGV[0] is C's "argv[1]", and "argv[0]"
     ends up in $0.

 •   System calls such as lliinnkk(()), uunnlliinnkk(()), rreennaammee(()), etc. return nonzero
     for success, not 0. (ssyysstteemm(()), however, returns zero for success.)

 •   Signal handlers deal with signal names, not numbers.  Use "kill -l"
     to find their names on your system.

JJaavvaaSSccrriipptt TTrraappss Judicious JavaScript programmers should take note of the following:

 •   In Perl, binary "+" is always addition.  "$string1 + $string2"
     converts both strings to numbers and then adds them.  To concatenate
     two strings, use the "." operator.

 •   The "+" unary operator doesn't do anything in Perl.  It exists to
     avoid syntactic ambiguities.

 •   Unlike "", Perl's "for" (also spelled "foreach") does not
     allow the left-hand side to be an arbitrary expression.  It must be a

        for my $variable (keys %hash) {

     Furthermore, don't forget the "keys" in there, as "foreach my $kv
     (%hash) {}" iterates over the keys and values, and is generally not
     useful ($kv would be a key, then a value, and so on).

 •   To iterate over the indices of an array, use "foreach my $i (0 ..
     $#array) {}".  "foreach my $v (@array) {}" iterates over the values.

 •   Perl requires braces following "if", "while", "foreach", etc.

 •   In Perl, "else if" is spelled "elsif".

 •   "? :" has higher precedence than assignment.  In JavaScript, one can

         condition ? do_something() : variable = 3

     and the variable is only assigned if the condition is false.  In
     Perl, you need parentheses:

         $condition ? do_something() : ($variable = 3);

     Or just use "if".

 •   Perl requires semicolons to separate statements.

 •   Variables declared with "my" only affect code _a_f_t_e_r the declaration.
     You cannot write "$x = 1; my $x;" and expect the first assignment to
     affect the same variable.  It will instead assign to an $x declared
     previously in an outer scope, or to a global variable.

     Note also that the variable is not visible until the following
     _s_t_a_t_e_m_e_n_t.  This means that in "my $x = 1 + $x" the second $x refers
     to one declared previously.

 •   "my" variables are scoped to the current block, not to the current
     function.  If you write "{my $x;} $x;", the second $x does not refer
     to the one declared inside the block.

 •   An object's members cannot be made accessible as variables.  The
     closest Perl equivalent to "with(object) { method() }" is "for",
     which can alias $_ to the object:

         for ($object) {

 •   The object or class on which a method is called is passed as one of
     the method's arguments, not as a separate "this" value.

SSeedd TTrraappss Seasoned sseedd programmers should take note of the following:

 •   A Perl program executes only once, not once for each input line.  You
     can do an implicit loop with "-n" or "-p".

 •   Backreferences in substitutions use "$" rather than "\".

 •   The pattern matching metacharacters "(", ")", and "|" do not have
     backslashes in front.

 •   The range operator is "...", rather than comma.

SShheellll TTrraappss Sharp shell programmers should take note of the following:

 •   The backtick operator does variable interpolation without regard to
     the presence of single quotes in the command.

 •   The backtick operator does no translation of the return value, unlike

 •   Shells (especially ccsshh) do several levels of substitution on each
     command line.  Perl does substitution in only certain constructs such
     as double quotes, backticks, angle brackets, and search patterns.

 •   Shells interpret scripts a little bit at a time.  Perl compiles the
     entire program before executing it (except for "BEGIN" blocks, which
     execute at compile time).

 •   The arguments are available via @ARGV, not $1, $2, etc.

 •   The environment is not automatically made available as separate
     scalar variables.

 •   The shell's "test" uses "=", "!=", "<" etc for string comparisons and
     "-eq", "-ne", "-lt" etc for numeric comparisons. This is the reverse
     of Perl, which uses "eq", "ne", "lt" for string comparisons, and
     "==", "!=" "<" etc for numeric comparisons.

PPeerrll TTrraappss Practicing Perl Programmers should take note of the following:

 •   Remember that many operations behave differently in a list context
     than they do in a scalar one.  See perldata for details.

 •   Avoid barewords if you can, especially all lowercase ones.  You can't
     tell by just looking at it whether a bareword is a function or a
     string.  By using quotes on strings and parentheses on function
     calls, you won't ever get them confused.

 •   You cannot discern from mere inspection which builtins are unary
     operators (like cchhoopp(()) and cchhddiirr(())) and which are list operators
     (like pprriinntt(()) and uunnlliinnkk(())).  (Unless prototyped, user-defined
     subroutines can oonnllyy be list operators, never unary ones.)  See
     perlop and perlsub.

 •   People have a hard time remembering that some functions default to
     $_, or @ARGV, or whatever, but that others which you might expect to
     do not.

 •   The <FH> construct is not the name of the filehandle, it is a
     readline operation on that handle.  The data read is assigned to $_
     only if the file read is the sole condition in a while loop:

         while (<FH>)      { }
         while (defined($_ = <FH>)) { }..
         <FH>;  # data discarded!

 •   Remember not to use "=" when you need "=~"; these two constructs are
     quite different:

         $x =  /foo/;
         $x =~ /foo/;

 •   The "do {}" construct isn't a real loop that you can use loop control

 •   Use "my()" for local variables whenever you can get away with it (but
     see perlform for where you can't).  Using "local()" actually gives a
     local value to a global variable, which leaves you open to unforeseen
     side-effects of dynamic scoping.

 •   If you localize an exported variable in a module, its exported value
     will not change.  The local name becomes an alias to a new value but
     the external name is still an alias for the original.

 As always, if any of these are ever officially declared as bugs, they'll
 be fixed and removed.

perl v5.36.3 2021-03-02 PERLTRAP(1)