PERLDEPRECATION(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLDEPRECATION(1) #
PERLDEPRECATION(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLDEPRECATION(1)
perldeprecation - list Perl deprecations
The purpose of this document is to document what has been deprecated in
Perl, and by which version the deprecated feature will disappear, or, for
already removed features, when it was removed.
This document will try to discuss what alternatives for the deprecated
features are available.
The deprecated features will be grouped by the version of Perl in which
they will be removed.
PPeerrll 55..4400 _D_o_w_n_g_r_a_d_i_n_g _a _"_u_s_e _V_E_R_S_I_O_N_" _t_o _b_e_l_o_w _v_5_._1_1
Once Perl has seen a "use VERSION" declaration that requests a version
"v5.11" or above, a subsequent second declaration that requests an
earlier version will print a deprecation warning. For example,
use v5.14;
say "We can use v5.14's features here";
use v5.10; # This prints a warning
This behaviour will be removed in Perl 5.40; such a subsequent request
will become a compile-time error.
This is because of an intended related change to the interaction between
"use VERSION" and "use strict". If you specify a version >= 5.11, strict
is enabled implicitly. If you request a version < 5.11, strict will
become disabled _e_v_e_n _i_f _y_o_u _h_a_d _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s_l_y _w_r_i_t_t_e_n "use strict". This was
not the previous behaviour of "use VERSION", which at present will track
explicitly-enabled strictness flags independently.
PPeerrll 55..3388 _P_o_d_:_:_H_t_m_l _u_t_i_l_i_t_y _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s
The definition and documentation of three utility functions previously
importable from Pod::Html were moved to new package Pod::Html::Util in
Perl 5.36. While they remain importable from Pod::Html in Perl 5.36, as
of Perl 5.38 they will only be importable, on request, from
PPeerrll 55..3344 There are no deprecations or fatalizations scheduled for Perl 5.34.
PPeerrll 55..3322 _C_o_n_s_t_a_n_t_s _f_r_o_m _l_e_x_i_c_a_l _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s _p_o_t_e_n_t_i_a_l_l_y _m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d _e_l_s_e_w_h_e_r_e
You wrote something like
my $var;
$sub = sub () { $var };
but $var is referenced elsewhere and could be modified after the "sub"
expression is evaluated. Either it is explicitly modified elsewhere
("$var = 3") or it is passed to a subroutine or to an operator like
"printf" or "map", which may or may not modify the variable.
Traditionally, Perl has captured the value of the variable at that point
and turned the subroutine into a constant eligible for inlining. In
those cases where the variable can be modified elsewhere, this breaks the
behavior of closures, in which the subroutine captures the variable
itself, rather than its value, so future changes to the variable are
reflected in the subroutine's return value.
If you intended for the subroutine to be eligible for inlining, then make
sure the variable is not referenced elsewhere, possibly by copying it:
my $var2 = $var;
$sub = sub () { $var2 };
If you do want this subroutine to be a closure that reflects future
changes to the variable that it closes over, add an explicit "return":
my $var;
$sub = sub () { return $var };
This usage was deprecated and as of Perl 5.32 is no longer allowed.
_U_s_e _o_f _s_t_r_i_n_g_s _w_i_t_h _c_o_d_e _p_o_i_n_t_s _o_v_e_r _0_x_F_F _a_s _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s _t_o _"_v_e_c_"
"vec" views its string argument as a sequence of bits. A string
containing a code point over 0xFF is nonsensical. This usage is
deprecated in Perl 5.28, and was removed in Perl 5.32.
_U_s_e _o_f _c_o_d_e _p_o_i_n_t_s _o_v_e_r _0_x_F_F _i_n _s_t_r_i_n_g _b_i_t_w_i_s_e _o_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s
The string bitwise operators, "&", "|", "^", and "~", treat their
operands as strings of bytes. As such, values above 0xFF are nonsensical.
Some instances of these have been deprecated since Perl 5.24, and were
made fatal in 5.28, but it turns out that in cases where the wide
characters did not affect the end result, no deprecation notice was
raised, and so remain legal. Now, all occurrences either are fatal or
raise a deprecation warning, so that the remaining legal occurrences
became fatal in 5.32.
An example of this is
"" & "\x{100}"
The wide character is not used in the "&" operation because the left
operand is shorter. This now throws an exception.
_hh_oo_ss_tt_nn_aa_mm_ee_((_)) _d_o_e_s_n_'_t _a_c_c_e_p_t _a_n_y _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s
The function "hostname()" in the Sys::Hostname module has always been
documented to be called with no arguments. Historically it has not
enforced this, and has actually accepted and ignored any arguments. As a
result, some users have got the mistaken impression that an argument does
something useful. To avoid these bugs, the function is being made
strict. Passing arguments was deprecated in Perl 5.28 and became fatal
in Perl 5.32.
_U_n_e_s_c_a_p_e_d _l_e_f_t _b_r_a_c_e_s _i_n _r_e_g_u_l_a_r _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
The simple rule to remember, if you want to match a literal "{" character
(U+007B "LEFT CURLY BRACKET") in a regular expression pattern, is to
escape each literal instance of it in some way. Generally easiest is to
precede it with a backslash, like "\{" or enclose it in square brackets
("[{]"). If the pattern delimiters are also braces, any matching right
brace ("}") should also be escaped to avoid confusing the parser, for
Forcing literal "{" characters to be escaped will enable the Perl
language to be extended in various ways in future releases. To avoid
needlessly breaking existing code, the restriction is not enforced in
contexts where there are unlikely to ever be extensions that could
conflict with the use there of "{" as a literal. A non-deprecation
warning that the left brace is being taken literally is raised in
contexts where there could be confusion about it.
Literal uses of "{" were deprecated in Perl 5.20, and some uses of it
started to give deprecation warnings since. These cases were made fatal
in Perl 5.26. Due to an oversight, not all cases of a use of a literal
"{" got a deprecation warning. Some cases started warning in Perl 5.26,
and were made fatal in Perl 5.30. Other cases started in Perl 5.28, and
were made fatal in 5.32.
_I_n _X_S _c_o_d_e_, _u_s_e _o_f _v_a_r_i_o_u_s _m_a_c_r_o_s _d_e_a_l_i_n_g _w_i_t_h _U_T_F_-_8_.
The macros below now require an extra parameter than in versions prior to
Perl 5.32. The final parameter in each one is a pointer into the string
supplied by the first parameter beyond which the input will not be read.
This prevents potential reading beyond the end of the buffer.
"isALPHANUMERIC_utf8", "isASCII_utf8", "isBLANK_utf8", "isCNTRL_utf8",
"isDIGIT_utf8", "isIDFIRST_utf8", "isPSXSPC_utf8", "isSPACE_utf8",
"isVERTWS_utf8", "isWORDCHAR_utf8", "isXDIGIT_utf8",
"isALPHANUMERIC_LC_utf8", "isALPHA_LC_utf8", "isASCII_LC_utf8",
"isBLANK_LC_utf8", "isCNTRL_LC_utf8", "isDIGIT_LC_utf8",
"isGRAPH_LC_utf8", "isIDCONT_LC_utf8", "isIDFIRST_LC_utf8",
"isLOWER_LC_utf8", "isPRINT_LC_utf8", "isPSXSPC_LC_utf8",
"isPUNCT_LC_utf8", "isSPACE_LC_utf8", "isUPPER_LC_utf8",
"isWORDCHAR_LC_utf8", "isXDIGIT_LC_utf8", "toFOLD_utf8", "toLOWER_utf8",
"toTITLE_utf8", and "toUPPER_utf8".
Since Perl 5.26, this functionality with the extra parameter has been
available by using a corresponding macro to each one of these, and whose
name is formed by appending "_safe" to the base name. There is no change
to the functionality of those. For example, "isDIGIT_utf8_safe"
corresponds to "isDIGIT_utf8", and both now behave identically. All are
documented in "Character case changing" in perlapi and "Character
classification" in perlapi.
This change was originally scheduled for 5.30, but was delayed until
_"_F_i_l_e_:_:_G_l_o_b_:_:_g_l_o_b_(_)_" _w_a_s _r_e_m_o_v_e_d
"File::Glob" has a function called "glob", which just calls "bsd_glob".
"File::Glob::glob()" was deprecated in Perl 5.8. A deprecation message
was issued from Perl 5.26 onwards, the function became fatal in Perl
5.30, and was removed entirely in Perl 5.32.
Code using "File::Glob::glob()" should call "File::Glob::bsd_glob()"
PPeerrll 55..3300 _$_* _i_s _n_o _l_o_n_g_e_r _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d
Before Perl 5.10, setting $* to a true value globally enabled multi-line
matching within a string. This relique from the past lost its special
meaning in 5.10. Use of this variable became a fatal error in Perl 5.30,
freeing the variable up for a future special meaning.
To enable multiline matching one should use the "/m" regexp modifier
(possibly in combination with "/s"). This can be set on a per match
bases, or can be enabled per lexical scope (including a whole file) with
"use re '/m'".
_$_# _i_s _n_o _l_o_n_g_e_r _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d
This variable used to have a special meaning -- it could be used to
control how numbers were formatted when printed. This seldom used
functionality was removed in Perl 5.10. In order to free up the variable
for a future special meaning, its use became a fatal error in Perl 5.30.
To specify how numbers are formatted when printed, one is advised to use
"printf" or "sprintf" instead.
_A_s_s_i_g_n_i_n_g _n_o_n_-_z_e_r_o _t_o _$_[ _i_s _f_a_t_a_l
This variable (and the corresponding "array_base" feature and arybase
module) allowed changing the base for array and string indexing
Setting this to a non-zero value has been deprecated since Perl 5.12 and
throws a fatal error as of Perl 5.30.
_"_F_i_l_e_:_:_G_l_o_b_:_:_g_l_o_b_(_)_" _w_i_l_l _d_i_s_a_p_p_e_a_r
"File::Glob" has a function called "glob", which just calls "bsd_glob".
However, its prototype is different from the prototype of "CORE::glob",
and hence, "File::Glob::glob" should not be used.
"File::Glob::glob()" was deprecated in Perl 5.8. A deprecation message
was issued from Perl 5.26 onwards, and in Perl 5.30 this was turned into
a fatal error.
Code using "File::Glob::glob()" should call "File::Glob::bsd_glob()"
_U_n_e_s_c_a_p_e_d _l_e_f_t _b_r_a_c_e_s _i_n _r_e_g_u_l_a_r _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s _(_f_o_r _5_._3_0_)
See "Unescaped left braces in regular expressions" above.
_U_n_q_u_a_l_i_f_i_e_d _"_d_u_m_p_(_)_"
Use of "dump()" instead of "CORE::dump()" was deprecated in Perl 5.8, and
an unqualified "dump()" is no longer available as of Perl 5.30.
See "dump" in perlfunc.
_U_s_i_n_g _mm_yy_((_)) _i_n _f_a_l_s_e _c_o_n_d_i_t_i_o_n_a_l_.
There has been a long-standing bug in Perl that causes a lexical variable
not to be cleared at scope exit when its declaration includes a false
conditional. Some people have exploited this bug to achieve a kind of
static variable. To allow us to fix this bug, people should not be
relying on this behavior.
Instead, it's recommended one uses "state" variables to achieve the same
use 5.10.0;
sub count {state $counter; return ++ $counter}
say count (); # Prints 1
say count (); # Prints 2
"state" variables were introduced in Perl 5.10.
Alternatively, you can achieve a similar static effect by declaring the
variable in a separate block outside the function, e.g.,
sub f { my $x if 0; return $x++ }
{ my $x; sub f { return $x++ } }
The use of "my()" in a false conditional has been deprecated in Perl
5.10, and became a fatal error in Perl 5.30.
_R_e_a_d_i_n_g_/_w_r_i_t_i_n_g _b_y_t_e_s _f_r_o_m_/_t_o _:_u_t_f_8 _h_a_n_d_l_e_s_.
The ssyyssrreeaadd(()), rreeccvv(()), ssyysswwrriittee(()) and sseenndd(()) operators are deprecated on
handles that have the ":utf8" layer, either explicitly, or implicitly,
eg., with the ":encoding(UTF-16LE)" layer.
Both ssyyssrreeaadd(()) and rreeccvv(()) currently use only the ":utf8" flag for the
stream, ignoring the actual layers. Since ssyyssrreeaadd(()) and rreeccvv(()) do no
UTF-8 validation they can end up creating invalidly encoded scalars.
Similarly, ssyysswwrriittee(()) and sseenndd(()) use only the ":utf8" flag, otherwise
ignoring any layers. If the flag is set, both write the value UTF-8
encoded, even if the layer is some different encoding, such as the
example above.
Ideally, all of these operators would completely ignore the ":utf8"
state, working only with bytes, but this would result in silently
breaking existing code. To avoid this a future version of perl will
throw an exception when any of ssyyssrreeaadd(()), rreeccvv(()), ssyysswwrriittee(()) or sseenndd(())
are called on handle with the ":utf8" layer.
As of Perl 5.30, it is no longer be possible to use ssyyssrreeaadd(()), rreeccvv(()),
ssyysswwrriittee(()) or sseenndd(()) to read or send bytes from/to :utf8 handles.
_U_s_e _o_f _u_n_a_s_s_i_g_n_e_d _c_o_d_e _p_o_i_n_t _o_r _n_o_n_-_s_t_a_n_d_a_l_o_n_e _g_r_a_p_h_e_m_e _f_o_r _a _d_e_l_i_m_i_t_e_r_.
A grapheme is what appears to a native-speaker of a language to be a
character. In Unicode (and hence Perl) a grapheme may actually be
several adjacent characters that together form a complete grapheme. For
example, there can be a base character, like "R" and an accent, like a
circumflex "^", that appear to be a single character when displayed, with
the circumflex hovering over the "R".
As of Perl 5.30, use of delimiters which are non-standalone graphemes is
fatal, in order to move the language to be able to accept multi-character
graphemes as delimiters.
Also, as of Perl 5.30, delimiters which are unassigned code points but
that may someday become assigned are prohibited. Otherwise, code that
works today would fail to compile if the currently unassigned delimiter
ends up being something that isn't a stand-alone grapheme. Because
Unicode is never going to assign non-character code points, nor code
points that are above the legal Unicode maximum, those can be delimiters.
PPeerrll 55..2288 _A_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s _"_:_l_o_c_k_e_d_" _a_n_d _"_:_u_n_i_q_u_e_"
The attributes ":locked" (on code references) and ":unique" (on array,
hash and scalar references) have had no effect since Perl 5.005 and Perl
5.8.8 respectively. Their use has been deprecated since.
As of Perl 5.28, these attributes are syntax errors. Since the attributes
do not do anything, removing them from your code fixes the syntax error;
and removing them will not influence the behaviour of your code.
_B_a_r_e _h_e_r_e_-_d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t _t_e_r_m_i_n_a_t_o_r_s
Perl has allowed you to use a bare here-document terminator to have the
here-document end at the first empty line. This practise was deprecated
in Perl 5.000; as of Perl 5.28, using a bare here-document terminator
throws a fatal error.
You are encouraged to use the explicitly quoted form if you wish to use
an empty line as the terminator of the here-document:
print <<"";
Print this line.
# Previous blank line ends the here-document.
_S_e_t_t_i_n_g _$_/ _t_o _a _r_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e _t_o _a _n_o_n_-_p_o_s_i_t_i_v_e _i_n_t_e_g_e_r
You assigned a reference to a scalar to $/ where the referenced item is
not a positive integer. In older perls this aappppeeaarreedd to work the same as
setting it to "undef" but was in fact internally different, less
efficient and with very bad luck could have resulted in your file being
split by a stringified form of the reference.
In Perl 5.20.0 this was changed so that it would be eexxaaccttllyy the same as
setting $/ to undef, with the exception that this warning would be
As of Perl 5.28, setting $/ to a reference of a non-positive integer
throws a fatal error.
You are recommended to change your code to set $/ to "undef" explicitly
if you wish to slurp the file.
_L_i_m_i_t _o_n _t_h_e _v_a_l_u_e _o_f _U_n_i_c_o_d_e _c_o_d_e _p_o_i_n_t_s_.
Unicode only allows code points up to 0x10FFFF, but Perl allows much
larger ones. Up till Perl 5.28, it was allowed to use code points
exceeding the maximum value of an integer ("IV_MAX"). However, that did
break the perl interpreter in some constructs, including causing it to
hang in a few cases. The known problem areas were in "tr///", regular
expression pattern matching using quantifiers, as quote delimiters in
"q_X..._X" (where _X is the "chr()" of a large code point), and as the upper
limits in loops.
The use of out of range code points was deprecated in Perl 5.24; as of
Perl 5.28 using a code point exceeding "IV_MAX" throws a fatal error.
If your code is to run on various platforms, keep in mind that the upper
limit depends on the platform. It is much larger on 64-bit word sizes
than 32-bit ones. For 32-bit integers, "IV_MAX" equals 0x7FFFFFFF, for
64-bit integers, "IV_MAX" equals 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
_U_s_e _o_f _c_o_m_m_a_-_l_e_s_s _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e _l_i_s_t _i_n _f_o_r_m_a_t_s_.
It was allowed to use a list of variables in a format, without separating
them with commas. This usage has been deprecated for a long time, and as
of Perl 5.28, this throws a fatal error.
_U_s_e _o_f _"_\_N_{_}_"
Use of "\N{}" with nothing between the braces was deprecated in Perl
5.24, and throws a fatal error as of Perl 5.28.
Since such a construct is equivalent to using an empty string, you are
recommended to remove such "\N{}" constructs.
_U_s_i_n_g _t_h_e _s_a_m_e _s_y_m_b_o_l _t_o _o_p_e_n _a _f_i_l_e_h_a_n_d_l_e _a_n_d _a _d_i_r_h_a_n_d_l_e
It used to be legal to use "open()" to associate both a filehandle and a
dirhandle to the same symbol (glob or scalar). This idiom is likely to
be confusing, and it was deprecated in Perl 5.10.
Using the same symbol to "open()" a filehandle and a dirhandle throws a
fatal error as of Perl 5.28.
You should be using two different symbols instead.
_$_{_^_E_N_C_O_D_I_N_G_} _i_s _n_o _l_o_n_g_e_r _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d_.
The special variable "${^ENCODING}" was used to implement the "encoding"
pragma. Setting this variable to anything other than "undef" was
deprecated in Perl 5.22. Full deprecation of the variable happened in
Perl 5.25.3.
Setting this variable to anything other than an undefined value throws a
fatal error as of Perl 5.28.
This method, which just calls "B::Concise::b_terse", has been deprecated,
and disappeared in Perl 5.28. Please use "B::Concise" instead.
_U_s_e _o_f _i_n_h_e_r_i_t_e_d _A_U_T_O_L_O_A_D _f_o_r _n_o_n_-_m_e_t_h_o_d _%_s_:_:_%_s_(_) _i_s _n_o _l_o_n_g_e_r _a_l_l_o_w_e_d
As an (ahem) accidental feature, "AUTOLOAD" subroutines were looked up as
methods (using the @ISA hierarchy) even when the subroutines to be
autoloaded were called as plain functions (e.g. "Foo::bar()"), not as
methods (e.g. "Foo->bar()" or "$obj->bar()").
This bug was deprecated in Perl 5.004, has been rectified in Perl 5.28 by
using method lookup only for methods' "AUTOLOAD"s.
The simple rule is: Inheritance will not work when autoloading non-
methods. The simple fix for old code is: In any module that used to
depend on inheriting "AUTOLOAD" for non-methods from a base class named
"BaseClass", execute "*AUTOLOAD = \&BaseClass::AUTOLOAD" during startup.
In code that currently says "use AutoLoader; @ISA = qw(AutoLoader);" you
should remove AutoLoader from @ISA and change "use AutoLoader;" to "use
AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';".
_U_s_e _o_f _c_o_d_e _p_o_i_n_t_s _o_v_e_r _0_x_F_F _i_n _s_t_r_i_n_g _b_i_t_w_i_s_e _o_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s
The string bitwise operators, "&", "|", "^", and "~", treat their
operands as strings of bytes. As such, values above 0xFF are nonsensical.
Using such code points with these operators was deprecated in Perl 5.24,
and is fatal as of Perl 5.28.
_I_n _X_S _c_o_d_e_, _u_s_e _o_f _"_t_o___u_t_f_8___c_a_s_e_(_)_"
This function has been removed as of Perl 5.28; instead convert to call
the appropriate one of: "toFOLD_utf8_safe". "toLOWER_utf8_safe",
"toTITLE_utf8_safe", or "toUPPER_utf8_safe".
PPeerrll 55..2266 _"_-_-_l_i_b_p_o_d_s_" _i_n _"_P_o_d_:_:_H_t_m_l_"
Since Perl 5.18, the option "--libpods" has been deprecated, and using
this option did not do anything other than producing a warning.
The "--libpods" option is no longer recognized as of Perl 5.26.
_T_h_e _u_t_i_l_i_t_i_e_s _"_c_2_p_h_" _a_n_d _"_p_s_t_r_u_c_t_"
These old, perl3-era utilities have been deprecated in favour of "h2xs"
for a long time. As of Perl 5.26, they have been removed.
_T_r_a_p_p_i_n_g _"_$_S_I_G _{_____D_I_E_____}_" _o_t_h_e_r _t_h_a_n _d_u_r_i_n_g _p_r_o_g_r_a_m _e_x_i_t_.
The $SIG{__DIE__} hook is called even inside an "eval()". It was never
intended to happen this way, but an implementation glitch made this
possible. This used to be deprecated, as it allowed strange action at a
distance like rewriting a pending exception in $@. Plans to rectify this
have been scrapped, as users found that rewriting a pending exception is
actually a useful feature, and not a bug.
Perl never issued a deprecation warning for this; the deprecation was by
documentation policy only. But this deprecation has been lifted as of
Perl 5.26.
_M_a_l_f_o_r_m_e_d _U_T_F_-_8 _s_t_r_i_n_g _i_n _"_%_s_"
This message indicates a bug either in the Perl core or in XS code. Such
code was trying to find out if a character, allegedly stored internally
encoded as UTF-8, was of a given type, such as being punctuation or a
digit. But the character was not encoded in legal UTF-8. The %s is
replaced by a string that can be used by knowledgeable people to
determine what the type being checked against was.
Passing malformed strings was deprecated in Perl 5.18, and became fatal
in Perl 5.26.
PPeerrll 55..2244 _U_s_e _o_f _*_g_l_o_b_{_F_I_L_E_H_A_N_D_L_E_}
The use of *glob{FILEHANDLE} was deprecated in Perl 5.8. The intention
was to use *glob{IO} instead, for which *glob{FILEHANDLE} is an alias.
However, this feature was undeprecated in Perl 5.24.
_C_a_l_l_i_n_g _P_O_S_I_X_:_:_%_s_(_) _i_s _d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d
The following functions in the "POSIX" module are no longer available:
"isalnum", "isalpha", "iscntrl", "isdigit", "isgraph", "islower",
"isprint", "ispunct", "isspace", "isupper", and "isxdigit". The
functions are buggy and don't work on UTF-8 encoded strings. See their
entries in POSIX for more information.
The functions were deprecated in Perl 5.20, and removed in Perl 5.24.
PPeerrll 55..1166 _U_s_e _o_f _%_s _o_n _a _h_a_n_d_l_e _w_i_t_h_o_u_t _* _i_s _d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d
It used to be possible to use "tie", "tied" or "untie" on a scalar while
the scalar holds a typeglob. This caused its filehandle to be tied. It
left no way to tie the scalar itself when it held a typeglob, and no way
to untie a scalar that had had a typeglob assigned to it.
This was deprecated in Perl 5.14, and the bug was fixed in Perl 5.16.
So now "tie $scalar" will always tie the scalar, not the handle it holds.
To tie the handle, use "tie *$scalar" (with an explicit asterisk). The
same applies to "tied *$scalar" and "untie *$scalar".
warnings, diagnostics.
perl v5.36.3 2023-02-15 PERLDEPRECATION(1)