PERL5163DELTA(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL5163DELTA(1)

PERL5163DELTA(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL5163DELTA(1) #

PERL5163DELTA(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL5163DELTA(1)


 perl5163delta - what is new for perl v5.16.3


 This document describes differences between the 5.16.2 release and the
 5.16.3 release.

 If you are upgrading from an earlier release such as 5.16.1, first read
 perl5162delta, which describes differences between 5.16.1 and 5.16.2.

CCoorree EEnnhhaanncceemmeennttss No changes since 5.16.0.

SSeeccuurriittyy This release contains one major and a number of minor security fixes. These latter are included mainly to allow the test suite to pass cleanly with the clang compiler’s address sanitizer facility.

CCVVEE--22001133--11666677:: mmeemmoorryy eexxhhaauussttiioonn wwiitthh aarrbbiittrraarryy hhaasshh kkeeyyss With a carefully crafted set of hash keys (for example arguments on a URL), it is possible to cause a hash to consume a large amount of memory and CPU, and thus possibly to achieve a Denial-of-Service.

 This problem has been fixed.

wwrraapp--aarroouunndd wwiitthh IIOO oonn lloonngg ssttrriinnggss Reading or writing strings greater than 2**31 bytes in size could segfault due to integer wraparound.

 This problem has been fixed.

mmeemmoorryy lleeaakk iinn EEnnccooddee The UTF-8 encoding implementation in Encode.xs had a memory leak which has been fixed.

IInnccoommppaattiibbllee CChhaannggeess There are no changes intentionally incompatible with 5.16.0. If any exist, they are bugs and reports are welcome.

DDeepprreeccaattiioonnss There have been no deprecations since 5.16.0.

MMoodduulleess aanndd PPrraaggmmaattaa UUppddaatteedd MMoodduulleess aanndd PPrraaggmmaattaa • Encode has been upgraded from version 2.44 to version 2.44_01.

 •   Module::CoreList has been upgraded from version 2.76 to version

 •   XS::APItest has been upgraded from version 0.38 to version 0.39.

KKnnoowwnn PPrroobblleemmss None.

AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss Perl 5.16.3 represents approximately 4 months of development since Perl 5.16.2 and contains approximately 870 lines of changes across 39 files from 7 authors.

 Perl continues to flourish into its third decade thanks to a vibrant
 community of users and developers. The following people are known to have
 contributed the improvements that became Perl 5.16.3:

 Andy Dougherty, Chris 'BinGOs' Williams, Dave Rolsky, David Mitchell,
 Michael Schroeder, Ricardo Signes, Yves Orton.

 The list above is almost certainly incomplete as it is automatically
 generated from version control history. In particular, it does not
 include the names of the (very much appreciated) contributors who
 reported issues to the Perl bug tracker.

 For a more complete list of all of Perl's historical contributors, please
 see the _A_U_T_H_O_R_S file in the Perl source distribution.

RReeppoorrttiinngg BBuuggss If you find what you think is a bug, you might check the articles recently posted to the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup and the perl bug database at . There may also be information at , the Perl Home Page.

 If you believe you have an unreported bug, please run the perlbug program
 included with your release.  Be sure to trim your bug down to a tiny but
 sufficient test case.  Your bug report, along with the output of "perl
 -V", will be sent off to to be analysed by the Perl
 porting team.

 If the bug you are reporting has security implications, which make it
 inappropriate to send to a publicly archived mailing list, then please
 send it to This points to a closed
 subscription unarchived mailing list, which includes all the core
 committers, who will be able to help assess the impact of issues, figure
 out a resolution, and help co-ordinate the release of patches to mitigate
 or fix the problem across all platforms on which Perl is supported.
 Please only use this address for security issues in the Perl core, not
 for modules independently distributed on CPAN.


 The _C_h_a_n_g_e_s file for an explanation of how to view exhaustive details on
 what changed.

 The _I_N_S_T_A_L_L file for how to build Perl.

 The _R_E_A_D_M_E file for general stuff.

 The _A_r_t_i_s_t_i_c and _C_o_p_y_i_n_g files for copyright information.

perl v5.36.3 2014-03-24 PERL5163DELTA(1)