PACKAGING(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PACKAGING(1)

PACKAGING(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PACKAGING(1) #

PACKAGING(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PACKAGING(1)


 PACKAGING - notes and best practice for packaging perl 5


 This document is aimed at anyone who is producing their own version of
 perl for distribution to other users. It is intended as a collection of
 useful tips, advice and best practice, rather than being a complete
 packaging manual. The starting point for installing perl remains _I_N_S_T_A_L_L.

CCuussttoommiizziinngg tteesstt rruunnnniinngg A small number of porting tests (those in t/porting) are not well suited to typical distribution packaging scenarios. For example, they assume they are working in a git clone of the upstream Perl repository, or enforce rules which are not relevant to downstream packagers. These can be skipped by setting the environment variable PERL_BUILD_PACKAGING. A complete list of tests which this applied to can be found by searching the codebase for this string.

 An alternative strategy would be to skip all porting tests, but many of
 them are useful if additional patches might be applied.

CCuussttoommiizziinngg ppaattcchhlleevveell ttoo aaddvveerrttiissee yyoouurr llooccaall ppaattcchheess You can advertise your custom local patches by using patchlevel.h as a standalone Perl script.

SSaammppllee uussaaggee:: perl -x patchlevel.h “This is a custom patch”

DDiissaabblliinngg kknnoowwnn ffllaappppiinngg tteessttss Some tests could fail under heavy load, whereas in most cases they would simply succeed. Usually, continuous integration systems will at one point or the other reach that problem.

 To disable these known tests, please set the environment variable CI to


perl v5.36.3 2019-02-13 PACKAGING(1)